Guitarist turned the speech by televotegelist in Hevi-metal

Guitarist turned the speech by televotegelist in Hevi-metal 22555_1

Speech Kennet.

Copeland about COVID-19 in the style of Havie Metal: Arrangement from Andre Antunes

The American television disposal of Kenneth Copeland appealed to COVID-19 with a fiery speech, demanding to stop destroying the world by the will of Satan. The expression of pastor inspired the audience that soon the Internet was filled with creativity based on his speeches. Guitarist Andre Antunenes turned the preaching of Kennet Copeland about COVID-19 in Havie Metal, in a few days I collect hundreds of thousands of views on YouTube. Now the enthusiastic listeners want to see the musical team founded by Antunes and Copeland.

Speech Copeland

The sermon took place at the beginning of spring, and was separated throughout the Internet. This is not the first such speech of pastor - he has repeatedly fought with world evil and became the hero of memes. Copeland has its own transmission called the "victorious voice of a believer." As covers created on his performances, the Pastor's voice is really outstanding. In addition, in 1957, his song "Pledge of Love" even entered the top 40 magazine "Billboard".

Currently, Copeland is known, first of all, as one of the richest US television gates. The attitude towards him ambiguously - many indicate that his impressive income is obtained illegally. The pastor himself responds to this himself that his financial reports belong only to God.

Guitarist turned the speech by televotegelist in Hevi-metal 22555_2
Photo of Kennet Copeland, 2020

According to Copeland, the main reason for the appearance of coronavirus is the evil power of Lucifer, who decided to destroy humanity. To combat Darkness, he called on the "wind of God" and tried to "blur" coronavirus from the territory of the United States. Despite some ideas of pastor associated with the need to abandon traditional medicine, in their emotional speech, he still demanded immediate vaccination. Then he violently reigned Satan and propheted him a loss of power. After completing the performance, Copeland announced that now his audience was healed, and the virus left the country forever. As statistics show, his struggle was not very effective.

Arrangement by Andre Antunes

Andre Antunen is a musician and blogger from Portugal. Fame came to him in 2015, when he released a roller with a cover on "Get Lucky from Daft Punk". He performed a song in the style of ten famous guitarists, from Carlos Santana to Eddie Van Chalena. By 2020, this year has more than six million views on YouTube.

Guitarist is known for its arrangements and cars on pop and classic works. On his channel you can find videos dedicated to classical music. At the Russian composers, Antuenes even recorded a separate Caver, where he turned to the work at once ten of them, creating a bright popure.

On his channel you can find more unusual arrangements - so, one day the musician recorded the track based on the sound of the washing machine.

At the end of November 2020, Andre Antunen drew attention to the speeches of Copeland and was struck by the ideal speech of the pastor to go to guitar riffs. It was soon born of her new version - with musical accompaniment in the style of heavy metal.

Before that, Antunean has already written music, creating escort for the speeches of Kennet Copeland. The first speech of the preacher, who became a composition in the style of heavy metal, concerned the elections in the United States and was facing Joe Biden. Copeland regularly criticized the activities of the Democratic Party, and refused to recognize the victory of her representative in elections. In one of the speeches, he led himself extremely expressive, and his laughter, who lasted almost a minute, quickly became the hero of memes and attribute the attention of musicians. Thus was born the Antunes track "HA HA HA".

At this time, Antuneune called "I Demand" - "I demand." This phrase Copeland uses many times, and in expression it completely reflects the essence of his performance.

After some time, the guitarist once again turned to the sermons of Copeland, and wrote an equally expressive Melody "WIND OF GOD", dedicated to the Divine Wind, which evangelist extremely emotionally calls for the US saving.

It is worth noting that the music turned out not only for mement, but also very high-quality - Andre Antunenes promises in the future to record a whole album with similar tracks. In a joke or not - time will show.

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