Sowing late

Sowing late 2255_1

Governor of the region V. Kondratyev urged agricultural producers to finish sowing by May 1. And from the regional budget for the financing of agriculturalization allocated 271 million rubles. In the main resident of Russia, they understand: Late Sitting is not an easy situation. On average, the deviation from the optimal deadlines of SEV for several days leads to the undevelopment of 0.5-1.0 centners / hectares of grain. If after Seva will be cut in spring, the percentage of harvest is still grown. When the soil quickly dries, and the air temperature will also grow rapidly, the development of the root system deteriorates, the process of bunching is slowed down, and the rich harvest is not worth waiting.

But, on the other hand, late Seat is a phenomenon, although not frequent, but familiar to Russian agricultural producers. For example, in 2006, Spring was late, and all the time of sowing was shifted for one or two weeks. Spring Sitting in 2015 was late in almost all regions of Russia. Then most of the agrarians of the southern regions began the spring Seva in the second decade of March. In the Central Black Earth region, in some areas of the Sitting, it was possible to start only in the first second decade of April because of the rains, and sometimes even with wet snow. The sediments in the first half of April led to the lagging of Sveov's terms and in some regions of the Volga region. In general, late Sitting is not something new and unexpected. Russian agricultural producers, scientists and consultants have accumulated considerable experience, allowing to grow a good harvest even if Spring Seva is delayed.

Presense processing and seeds

Pre-sowing soil processing, even under conditions of compressed time frames, should contribute to the maximum preservation of moisture and the destruction of weeds. The experience of European farmers can be useful here, which often conduct pre-sowing soil processing in one passage. In the Soviet Union, the milling was also used in the preparation of the soil to the sowing of spring crops, although it did not receive widespread. Meanwhile, the experiments of the Research Institute of Feeds named after V. R. Williams show that thanks to good ventilating and heating of the soil on sections with milling, germs and plants appeared more quickly developed. Milling more evenly distributes moisture at a depth of 20 cm and increases the soil aeration.

Another advice sounds trite, but it is worth reminding: when late with the terms of Seva will have to organize work around the clock. The level of sowing spring wheat with a late conduct of spring work will have to increase, or, at a minimum, sow at the upper boundary of the recommended norm. And, of course, in such a situation, it is better to choose more early to choose more grades.


It is clear that the late crops mean and the late periods of cleaning. Therefore, in the spring, it is necessary to calculate your technical capabilities on cleaning, taking into account the prospects to get to unfavorable weather. In the conditions of the central regions of Russia, the Urals and Siberia should not risk wheat with sowing in June. It is better to drop the fields barley or oats. Even with sufficient moisture reserves in the soil of sowing at the end of May does not justify himself. But barley and oats on a forage can be sowed until the beginning of June. The same can be said about peas, millet, buckwheat. However, in the first half of June, the spring sowing of grain, leguminous and coarse crops must be completed, otherwise it simply does not have enough time to aging cultures.

If it happens that part of the fields will not be sown at an optimal period, will have to decide whether to leave them under steam or to give in annual feed crops.


Spring wheat is demanding of soil fertility than other grains. On 1 C, the sneaker wheat grain is on average, nitrogen is required 3.2-3.6 kg; Phosphorus 1.1 - 1.4 kg and potassium 2.2 - 2.6 kg. In conditions when it is required to reduce the growing season and accelerate the growth of culture, phosphorus has a particular importance. In the period from germs before the start of the tube, the root system of wheat is developed weakly and the plant cannot use phosphorus of the soil. That is why phosphorus contributes at the initial stages of wheat growth.

In the period from a tall, the spring wheat spokes up well on nitrogen. Enhanced nitrogen powered in this period helps the formation of pressing roots, spikelets and flowers, and also stretches the phase of the body, forming a larger coole. The lack of nitrogen is traditionally replenished with the help of non-corrosive feeding in the grain-pouring phase. It helps to increase the level of gluten in the grain. However, the need for such feeders is carried out taking into account the results of tissue and leaf diagnostics. It is worth comparing the costs of work and the planned return. So, due to the increase in gluten, wheat is translated into another class, and the difference in the sale price will be significant, the costs for feeding will pay off.

In the phases from the tubing to the pouring of the grain, the spring wheat intensively consumes potassium and a little less phosphorus. This increases the absolute grain weight, accelerates the promotion of carbohydrates from leaves and stalks in grain, and also increases the stability of plants to diseases. In addition, microferters containing boring, molybdenum, manganese, zinc and others are introduced for normal growth and development of plants.

Pests and diseases

Late sowing spring wheat is more damaged by pests. The emergence of complete seedlings of culture coincides with their mass summer. A particularly significant damage can be on crushed crops.

In the non-black earth zone and in the north of the central-black earth zone, later sorts of spring grain increases the risk of fusariasis and rust. Studies conducted in the Altai Territory gave about the same results. The spring barley was sought during the physical ripeness of the soil, when her temperature at a depth of 0-5 cm was not lower than 5 degrees Celsius. Sittered took place from April 30 to May 15. Shoots with early crops appear 3-4 days later, but they are less infected with the pathogens of root rot. The predisposition to the causative agents of fusarious-gelminiosorous diseases as the seeding from the roots of the barley increased from the roots of the barley, and the stalk remained unchanged.

In the neighboring Republic of Belarus, the study of the development of narrowness in Lupine varieties of academic 1 at late crops was noted by 33.8-40% of plants. Accordingly, the harvest with early crops was almost 2 times higher than when late.

But there are good news. The thermal loving cultures (millet, corn) are damaged by phytoophages and become infected with phytopathogens several times weaker at later seeding - the end of May, the first decade of June. With sufficient humidity of the soil and elevated temperatures, seeds and seedlings are developing faster, reducing the duration of the vulnerable period in relation to the wires, femalunders and molds of seeds.

Research and accumulated practical experience proven: even in the conditions of late Sawa, you can get a good crop. Of course, it will be necessary to take into account the biological features of crops and their cultivation zones, as well as bioecology of pests. And have technical and financial opportunities in order to spend all the necessary agrotechnical events on time.

Maria Wind

In the preparation of the article, the information of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Krasnodar Territory was used, the Vick Fntz. V.R. Williams, Tatniusch Fitz KazNTS RAS, FGBNA Federal Altai Scientific Center of Agrobiotechnology, Kurgan Nisch - Branch of FGBNU URO RAS

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