New approaches to the content of cows are introduced in the Vologda region

New approaches to the content of cows are introduced in the Vologda region 22542_1

Works on the reconstruction and modernization of one of the farm courtyards, the introduction of advanced technologies "Zarya" was carried out thanks to the investment project, the cost of which exceeded 30 million rubles. As the project has been implemented, what is his future prospects, I checked the deputy governor Mikhail Piskov during a working trip to the Chayodobchensky district.

Enterprise LLC Zarya is located 18 km from Chagoda. The complex consists of several courtyards, one of which is now fully upgraded.

"The complex has passed deep modernization and meets modern requirements," Mikhail Eykov said. - This is a spacious room in which modern equipment has been installed, a new lighting system has been carried out. Modernized livestock conditions: here new systems of manurement, changed the location of the feed table and fabric sites. Fired equipment, insulated mats are installed, so that animals were warm. All this together with a balanced diet, selection and genetic work will lead to an increase in the productivity of the economy. "

The hotsture is designed for 255 heads. Animals will be in it on a non-credible content.

"We consider this form of maintaining a serious step to increase the daisy production and an increase in milk volumes by our company," Nail Mustafin explained to the executive director of LLC Zarya. - For the first time we introduce new forms for us for the duel of the unnecessary content and upgraded milking hall. "

The enterprise "Zarya" annually adds volumes, both on the productivity of the herd and the production of raw milk. The plans of the enterprise are the modernization of the remaining courtyards and veal, which will affect the improvement of the indicators of the dairy and meat animal husbandry of the Chagodagged region and the Vologda region.

In 2020, the volume of state support provided by the enterprise amounted to 6.6 million rubles.

"Traditionally, every year supports the support of the agrarians of the Vologda region, including in the Chagodoshchensky district, from the regional and federal budgets. All of them are recipients of more than ten subsidies. The funds are provided primarily to carry out a complex of agrotechnological work, the development of animal husbandry, reimbursement of the cost of construction, reconstruction and modernization of facilities, the acquisition of technology, - Mikhail's Mikhail noted. - The task that the governor set up is to modernize the agriculture of the Vologda region - consistently and systemically solved. All seven enterprises of the Chadgevensky district receive state support. This year it will remain at the level of 2020. "

Mikhail Piskov completed a working meeting with the heads of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the district.

(Source and photo: The official portal of the Government of the Vologda region).

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