What to do in the carnival? How to pay on the carnival?

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How to pay on the carnival? Photo: Depositphotos.

Maslenitsa (cheese week) is one of the most ancient holidays from Slavs. In these seven days, people arranged the solemn wires of winter, meeting the spring-red. Our ancestors tried to spend the passenger week fun and satisfying. Traditionally, they did not forget to burn on the cheese week.

It was adopted by the six first days of the holiday. On Sunday, it is forbidden to guess. The best day, in the opinion of our ancestors, to locate, - Saturday.

How to hire on rich week wealth

You can find the welfare of the family on the carnival when baking pancakes. This is the most accurate way of fortune telling in the house.

Before pouring the dough into a frying pan, it should be said: "An oil week came, since the spring called. Pancakes to bake, learn the truth to hurry! What will be my prospect this year? "

What to do in the carnival? How to pay on the carnival? 22519_2
Photo: Depositphotos.

After that, the first pancake bake. Learn the result of divination in appearance pancake:

  • Damped and lush - wealthy life;
  • Pale and thin - to large spending.

How to hire on love on the cheese week

In the first six days of the passenger week, the unmarried girl can be hung on the narrowed. Our great-grandties did it with a towel. It follows, according to folk wisdom, to post overnight on the street and mentally ask the future groom to appear and wipe the face with a towel.

In the morning check the result of divination:

  • If the grouse is wet, then the wedding is waiting for this year;
  • If the roaster is dry, then the girl should not count on the crown in a short time.
What to do in the carnival? How to pay on the carnival? 22519_3
Photo: Depositphotos.

How to hire on the cheese week

To exercise this fortune telling, spruce or pine branches should be forced, bring them home, decompose on the floor. Next, it is necessary, closing your eyes, choose one twig.

Truck out the result of divination so:

  • If a thick and lush branch came across, then the year will be rich;
  • Lonely girls magnificent spruce paw sulitis successful and wealthy husband;
  • Thin caustic branch - to a bad and difficult year, perhaps for diseases;
  • If there is a bump on the branch, they are considered (how many cones, so many children in the family will be).

How to hire on the cheese week for the floor of the future child

What to do in the carnival? How to pay on the carnival? 22519_4
Photo: Depositphotos.

Conduct fortune telling at the festive table. A woman who is going to become a mother should look closely to guests to get to know which one of them will take damn with dishes:

  • The man will be a son;
  • Woman - daughter.

How to hire on the cheese week during bake

The first pancake, baked on the cheese week on Monday, could open the veil over the future. This and used our ancestors.

I interpreted the result of the burner, considering damn:

  • If he came out with a smooth edge, then a lonely girl was thrown in marriage;
  • Torn edges pancake pointed out that it would be much tears to pour due to its chosen one;
  • If damn can easily be turned over, then it is soon to wait for the wedding;
  • If you stick to a frying pan during turning, then in the next three years, the matchmaker should not wait;
  • If the pancakes are well shoved, the hostess it foreshadowed a strong toast;
  • Light whitish color pancake jammed to diseases;
  • with thin sides - to the light flow of the year and sufficiency;
  • Tight with thick sides - to heavy work.
What to do in the carnival? How to pay on the carnival? 22519_5
Photo: Depositphotos.

Maslenitsa is a period when people not only have fun and fir pancakes, but also wondered for the future. According to Slavs, the cheese week is one of the best periods of the year to find out your destiny.

Author - Zlatka Ivanchenko

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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