Prosecutor General's Office: the new law on the fight against extremism under protest symbolism did not write.


The new law on countering extremism was not written under the white-red and white symbolism. Simple criticism of power does not entail criminal liability. This was stated by representatives of the Prosecutor General's Office at a briefing dedicated to the new edition of the Council of Extremism,

Prosecutor General's Office: the new law on the fight against extremism under protest symbolism did not write. 2247_1
Photo: Daria Buryakin,

The head of the department for the supervision of the legislation on state security of the Prosecutor General's Office Valery Shulyak reminded that any attribute and symbolism can be recognized as extremist materials only by court decision.

- No one has written the law under the white-red and white symbolism and edited, "he assured and added that at the stage of writing the bill, the lists of prohibited symbols were not compiled.

- In any law, general rules are set out. And no specific cases in law are not considered. This fully refers to white-red and white symbolism, red-black and green and any other. The law establishes general rules for recognizing one or another symbolism of extremist, "Schulyak explained.

According to him, the symbolism can be recognized for prohibited, if used to engage in extremist activities, for the propaganda of extremism and its excuse.

The head of the supervisor and law enforcement practice, Evgeny Paramonov, noted that the simple criticism of the authorities would not entail criminal liability.

- We are talking about intentional obviously false information commonly common, "Paramonov said.

The specialist explained that "the responsibility for the activities of the discredit of Belarus, including government bodies, will be followed for intentional actions, the spread of obviously false information." "And thirdly, they should be aimed at causing harm to national security of the Republic of Belarus," she added.

She reminded that actions that injure the interests of national security defines the concept of national security.

At the briefing also reported that the internal affairs bodies will be coordinated to coordinate the fight against extremism in Belarus, which will allow "to respond promptly to emerging challenges and threats."

In addition, the list of subjects of countering extremism will be expanded by incorporating the authorities of justice, financial investigations and monitoring, local executive and administrative bodies, ministries of education and information.

Proposals for strengthening responsibility for extremist activities The Prosecutor General's Office voiced March 18th.

As Vladimir Andreichenko, the Chairman of Parliament said on Tuesday, the bills aimed at preventing the heroization of Nazism and countering extremism parliament will consider at the spring session. Tut.BY.

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