"Screws" will take care of your savings


Americans are very often pleasing to various films of various orientations - you can always find films on any, even demanding, taste. Scripts constantly find some interesting life plots and skillfully turn them into pictures that look at one breath. So the "sweat" turned out exactly such.

Of course, the authors of the film do not hint at the possibility of a complete coincidence with the life of the plot, but they can really exist such "guardians", which for the sake of profit are ready to do everything, well, or much.

In the center of the plot of Marla (Rosamund Pike) - a faithful specialist of social care, which finds lonely old people and helps them to establish a comfortable life by defining them in the nursing home. Well, of course it seems to be the only way out when an elderly person is no longer able to take care of himself: no children, brothers and sisters themselves are old or left this world, and "the door is knocking" senile dementia.

But after all, these old people have any, but acquired property: a house, a car, savings. But Marla is ready to take over himself and this wear, because she is as the only one who appointed fraudulently, guardian. And how many of these old chips have already managed to "clean"?

In general, the scheme was rolling and everything would be still, if it were not to take for Jennifer Pyterson (Daienn Wist) - a granny woman with a rich past and a comfortable future. That's just no one could think that this "God's dandelion" has a "roof" from the Russian mafia under the leadership of the novel Lunev (Peter Dinklayja).

In some way, to assess the work of operators, stylists, grimones and other specialists does not make any sense, because the Americans have long impact the hand and almost do not make mistakes. But the director should pay tribute, because it is his second, after not a very successful film "5th wave", a large work. And I must say that he coped with her very much not bad.

The acting trio also turned out to be at the height, not in vain the jury of the Golden Globe awarded Rosamund Pike for the "best female role in the comedy and the musical" for this film, they are abona who do not distribute awards. Dinklage was also very well born in the role of major mafiosa - owner of factories and steamers. And what was the old woman with the Sinyl Dementia, Diaenne, I can't even imagine, but she did it.

Especially this film I will not revise no longer, but if it is once again, through a year-another, they will show on TV, then with pleasure I will take popcorn and sit in front of the screen.

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