Stas Sadalsky admitted how much Dmitry Gordon offered him money for the interview - generously quite


Alas, the interview did not take place - Stanislav Yurevich is prohibited entry into Ukraine

Stas Sadalsky admitted how much Dmitry Gordon offered him money for the interview - generously quite 22456_1
Dmitry Gordon,

Dmitry Gordon leads his author's program on YouTube. Ukrainian journalist makes interesting exclusive issues with politicians, actors and other famous personalities. His questions are distinguished by uncompromising, often there are provocative - in one word, to watch Gordon is interesting, even if you categorically disagree with him. Stanislav Sadalsky admitted that he also received an invitation from Dmitry. As notes, the actor was supposed to go to the shooting to Ukraine, but everything broke due to the fact that Stasi entry into this country is prohibited.

Dima Gordon calls me on an interview. Agreed that I will come, and he will pay 5 thousand euros. And now they do not let

- Stanislav Yuryevich complained.

It should be noted, because of the pandemic, artists began to pay at times less for shooting in TV projects. Therefore, they have to look for other sources of income, in particular, many agree on an interview for Yutub-Channel bloggers. However, and here to expect a fabulous fee. To pay well on video hosting can only in case of perspective views.

By the way, as Komsomolskaya Pravda writes, the girlfriend of Sadal Tatyana Vasilyeva agreed to participate in the "Secret of Million" for one million rubles. For this money, she later made his teeth, told the actor.

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