PJSC "Micron" highly appreciated the features and functionality of Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity according to the result of a pilot project


InfoSecurity A Softline Company implemented a pilot project on comprehensive information security for PJSC "Micron". As a result of collaboration, the Customer was able to choose the optimal solution for the protection of IT infrastructure and significantly increase the level of information security ACS TP.

In recent years, the number of attacks on industrial systems has rapidly increased, especially on the components of the ACS TP. As the practice of a sufficient one infected USB device or loading arbitrary files is shown so that the intruders are penetrated into the internal network of the company. PJSC "MICON", which is included in the Element JSC, is interested in ensuring the safety of own automated management systems, in connection with which the information security experts, InfoCurity A Softline Company, for the organization of an integrated approach to industrial safety.

Within the framework of the project PJSC "Micron", together with InfoSecurity, analyzed products for monitoring and network control from domestic and foreign vendors. The decisive criteria for choosing a solution for pilot introduction was the possibility of integration with narrow-profile industrial software, which is already used in the company, as well as compliance with the requirements of the legislation for the protection of critical information infrastructure. The optimal solution was the Kaspersky Industrial Cybersecurity system (KICS).

In two months, InfoSecurity deployed a pilot virtual system to monitor the safety of the industrial network KICS for Networks, configured the detection of unauthorized network devices and abnormal network streams between them. An important indicator for PJSC "Micron" was that the system works with a copy of industrial infrastructure traffic and does not have an active impact on the company's business processes. Such an approach eliminates the risks of blocking production processes and large financial losses. In addition, to build a reliable system for protecting the corporate infrastructure from complex threats and target attacks of PJSC "Micron", together with InfoSecurity, introduced a platform for protection against targeted attacks of Kaspersky Anti Targeted Attack Platform (KATA).

"For us, as for many companies, ensuring the information security of critical systems is in the first place, but the specifics of our industry software imposes certain difficulties in the selection of high-quality domestic protective software. Thanks to the cooperation with InfoSecurity, we were able not only to choose the most appropriate decision, but also to significantly increase the level of information security ACS TP and, as a result, the entire company, "comments the results of the pilot introduction of Pavel Belik, the Vice-President on the security of the Element JSC.

"The selected information security vector of the information security PJSC" Micron "not only contributes to the preservation of the continuity of the technological process, but also provides a coordinated approach to network integrity control. Work on the project of this level was extremely interesting and responsible. And now we can safely say that we received decent results and very useful experience, "Nikita Pinchuk, Director of InfoSecurity Technologies, notes.

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