8 celebrities who refuse to do photos with fans

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While some celebrities are happy to communicate with their fans and make photos with them, others categorically reject such proposals. They have their own reasons for such behavior, and the most obvious of which is confidentiality. Joinfo.com will talk about those stars with whom they dream of making photos of fans, but can not.

Jennifer Lawrence

Becoming the famous, the star "hungry games" refused to have a habit of lunch in a restaurant or cafe. And all because I was afraid to meet there with fans that could prevent her to eat. Since then, Jennifer still learned how to deny fans in selfie or autograph. "Sometimes I am polite, sometimes not. If I dinner and someone wants me to get up and made a photo, I will refuse," says the actress.

Macy Williams

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Photo: Instagram / Maisie_Williams

After entering the screens of the series "Game of Thrones", the actress has become a real star. And she had to learn to determine the borders with fans. According to Macy, she simply does not understand the desires of people to take photos with those who like them. Therefore, it often refuses fans suitable for her on the street.

Keith Harrington

Another star "Games of Thrones" does not like to be photographed with fans. Especially when he strives with his beloved wife. According to the actor, he with trepidation recalls those days when he could calmly go out into the street, not attracting passersby, who are constantly asked to make selfie with the cumier.

Emma Watson

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Photo: Instagram / Emmawatson

In one of the interviews, Emma admitted that the constant attention of fans brings her discomfort. She says that people try to make a photo with her and immediately publish it on the net, noting the geolocation of the place where they met the actress. And Watson would not want people to know where and when she was. Therefore, she often refuses to photo.

Sheilly Woodley

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Photo: Instagram / ShaileneWoodley

While some stars love to spend money on luxury outfits, Sheilin prefers to wear a simple and comfortable clothing. As an introvert, she also does not like to do photos with fans. The actress admits that with great pleasure, he is talking to the fan and will trim it, which will do Selfie.

Chris Pratt

The fact that Chris refuses to take photos with fans does not mean that he does not like to meet with them. As the star of the film "Guardians of the Galaxy" admitted, he offers fans a handshake, but they continue to ask Joint Selfie.

Justin Bieber

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Photo: Instagram / Justinbeber

When Justin was just famous, he loved to meet fans and do a photo with them. But now he is tired of constant attention. Bieber admitted that he feels animals in the zoo. Therefore, now he tries to refuse fans in the photo.

Miley Cyrus

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Photo: Instagram / Mileycyrus

In 2013, Miley explained that he hated photographed with fans. But not because it is tiring, but because it is awkward at such moments. Therefore, she tries to correctly deny fans.

But other stars not only do not refuse to communicate with fans, they also use applications for dating. Who searched for a partner online?

Main photo: Getty Images

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