5 colorful cartoons about the afterlife

5 colorful cartoons about the afterlife 2238_1
5 Colorful cartoons about the afterlife Anna Gorodishche

On January 21, the "Soul" is coming to Russian rental - the work of the Pixar studio and the director of Petya Dr., in which the main character is destined to go to the afterlife and pass the existential path to the Great Castor. Animation infrequently comes to this forbidden territory, but the few attempts of multipliers talk to the young spectator about death remain in memory for a long time. Time Out remembers five more cartoons, reflecting about the afterlife.

"Corpse of the Bride"

Dir. Tim Burton, 2005

The entire director's career of Tim Berton is one big conversation with death. From the very first of their work, the American director has established itself with a gloomy storytell. Almost every movie or cartoon he filled with macabric and gothic elements. The director's works are distinguished by the gloomy, cold and black and white palette of paints. And yet - the presence of the heroes of the afterlime world: skeletons, ghosts and other characters-embodiments of death. The most sophisticated visualization of the kingdom of the dead berton introduced in the cartoon "Corpse of the Bride".

Before us is the United Kingdom of the Victorian era. During the cooking for the wedding of young Victor Van Dorta and Victoria Everglot, the dark forces are dragged into the groom in the kingdom of the dead, where he marries the mysterious girl Emily - the bride's corpse, once deceived and killed by British Lord. Having become acquainted with the underworld, Victor realizes that this world is much closer to him than the familiar lifestyle, but he is not ready to use his beloved Victoria for anything.

In the voice acting, the cartoon took part in the work of the works of Berton - Johnny Depp and Helena Bonm Carter, and Danny Elfman wrote to him to him.

"Corpse of the Bride" - a real dance of death: a bunning, frightening and funny animation in which the director reaches his career peak as a multiplier.

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"Mystery Coco"

Dir. Lee Ankrich, Adrian Molina, 2017

Even before the "soul" Pixar has repeatedly conducted a dialogue about death with the audience. Anyway, many studio cartoons affected the topic difficult for a young audience, but the authors decided to move the effect only in the "Mystery Coco" - an animation musical, based on the Mexican day of the dead.

12-year-old Miguel is a passionate fan of the singer Ernesto de la Cruz, dreaming of becoming a musician. Only here is not enough: at home such creativity is not at all in honor. Several generations of the family prohibit Miggel to engage in loved things and try it in every way to extinguish from the main family curse. Without finding a common language with alive, the boy goes to the country of the dead on the day of the National Mexican holiday dedicated to the memory of everyone who is no longer on Earth. Miguel opens a bright new reality in which he meets with the relatives already left the life and goes to search for Ernesto de la Cruz to get his blessing.

In the "Secret Coco", there are many Mexican flavor and truly touching scenes both in the world of the dead and in the world of living. Miguel will have to go through a large bridge, covered with calendula petals, and get into a huge and colorful city, sising skeletons and breathing amazing vitality.

The piercing story brought Pixar Oscar for the best animation film in 2018 and at the same time secondly fastened the title of the most bold American cartoon unit for the studio.

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"Paranorman, or how to tame zombies"

Dir. Chris Butler, Sam Fell, 2012

The afterlife penetrated not only in the work of the Pixar Studio and Tim Berton. The Laika studio engaged in the production of puppet cartoons was decided to acquaintance with the dead. Even before "Paranorman" Laika appealed to other worlds. In particular, in the first part of the gothic project of the studio, "Coralina in the country of nightmares", also meets the other world with frightening residents - the twins of real people with buttons. But all the same, it was "Pararanman" among the work of the studio closer to Makabru.

A century-old curse exposes a small town of Blit-Hollola is a big danger - the rebels are attacked on him. The only hope of the town in the fight against the hordes of ghosts is the Boy Norman, who has a unique ability: he knows how to communicate with suddenly appeared evil spirits. Someone would have taught him to communicate with stupid adults, with shotguns. Attralls trying to protect the city ...

Paranorman scares so much, on the contrary, rather mixed, without forgetting the spectator loudly and antineum to the thought that it is not so much dangerous as the reaction to it.

Children appear in the cartoon much larger and clean than adults with their included stereotyped thinking and complexes.

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"The book of life"

Dir. Jorge Gutierres, 2014

A few years before the "Mystery Coco", the Mexican multiplier Jorge Gutierres under the sensitive leadership of the producer Guillermo del Toro created another story, which took place on the day of the dead and directly associated with the national holiday.

On one of the museum excursions, the guide tells the group of children about some of the legends of the Mexican Folklore and stops in detail on the story of the world of the dead. The gods of Katrina and Shibalba rule the country of unforgettable and forgotten accordingly. At this time in the world of living two best friends, Manolo and Hoachin fall in love with one girl - Maria. On the day of the dead, the gods conclude a bet, according to which the saibalba will not climb into the affairs of people if Manolo first marries Mary. If Joaquin achieves success, then Katrina will allow the saibalbe to rule the country unforgettable. So against the background of the celebration of the Day of the Dead begins the history of the love triangle in length into a whole life.

"Book" is an extremely rich cartoon, in which there is a place not only love, but also deception, self-sacrifice and non-life will. Gutierres masterfully folded together Mexican paints, bizarre heroes and fiery breathing of death, received as a result of a sparkling legend, capable of becoming a little closer to introduce a viewer with Mexican traditions and an important national holiday.

"All dogs fall into paradise"

Dir. Don Blut, Gary Goldman, Dan Künster, 1989

The Irish-American hand-drawn cartoon tells the history of the PSA by name Charlie, who dies from the paw of his former gambling business partner Bulldog Cartoys. In paradise (all the dogs get there) Charlie meets Angela Annabel and trying to return to Earth to take revenge on his offender. Newly starting the clock of life, he goes to the world of living with one condition - if the clock breaks, Charlie will die and will never fall into a happy posthumous abode. After returning to Earth, he meets the girl-orphan Ann-Marie, who helps you make money. Together they have to undergo a winding path and solve the remaining earthly problems.

The cartoon is inspired by the classic American paintings "This Wonderful Life" (1946) and the "Guy named Joe" (1941). The afterlife in the tape is not so colorful - but it is she who acts as the main catalyst for the inner evolution of the main character, PSA Charlie. Noteworthy cartoon and history that turned over the scenes: the young actress Judith Barsi, who voiced Ann-Marie, was shot by his own father.

The tragic incident occurred a year before the premiere, so the cartoon and his main musical leitmotif (Love Survives song) were devoted to the young actress, too early to go to the afterlife.

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