Peace saves: three beauties from Novosibirsk who have time to do everything

Peace saves: three beauties from Novosibirsk who have time to do everything 22342_1

Three residents of Novosibirsk dispelled the stereotype that a woman can be either smart, or beautiful. Our heroines not only combine natural charm and acute mind, but also kindness, nobility, active civil position. Meet the three winners of beauty contests from Novosibirsk, who independently built a business, career and created public projects.

Ulyana Artamonova, President of the Public Organization of Environmental Protection "Bee"

Titles: Vice-Lady Novosibirsk - 2017, Lady Siberia - 2017, Top-10 Mrs. Earth - 2017 (Las Vegas), Miss Peacemaker World - 2018 (Crimea)

Age: 31 years

Peace saves: three beauties from Novosibirsk who have time to do everything 22342_2

Nature generously awarded Ulyana by external data, but the beauty makes a bid in life not for it. Although it does not hide that participation in beauty contests helped her to gain popularity and propagate their pages on social networks.

The first ecological project of Ulyana was the action to collect garbage from the shores of Ob "Clean Coast". At first it was Saturdays with a small number of volunteers, and now this is a mass event that runs simultaneously in different parts of Novosibirsk. Most of the collected garbage goes on processing.

Having received the experience of organizing projects, Ulyana decided to open his own public organization. In the "Pchele" there was already a formed permanent team of people who are not indifferent to nature.

Peace saves: three beauties from Novosibirsk who have time to do everything 22342_3

"One of our brightest projects was February 27 in GPTB - Eco-friendly Novosibirsk Festival. This is a big holiday for those who are not indifferent to the ecology of the inhabitants of Novosibirsk. The program included master classes, quests, interactive games, more than 30 lectures from speakers from Novosibirsk, Moscow, St. Petersburg and Finland. The event was visited by about 1,500 people. The event was created by the forces and facilities of the public. We were supported by representatives of business, and authorities, and eco -activists, "said Artamonov correspondent of NDN. INFO.

In an interview, the community announced that the share of recycling will take place in the near future. Anyone can take part in this event.

In addition to environmental activities, the girl leads his blog, participates in photography as a model, including for advertising.

Elena Shkuratova, organizer of beauty contests in Novosibirsk and entrepreneur

Titles: Mrs. Novosibirsk - 2010

Age: 45 years

Peace saves: three beauties from Novosibirsk who have time to do everything 22342_4

Shkuratova - Mom of four children, the owner of the beauty salon and the organizer of beauty contests in Novosibirsk. Having won your first competition, she gained experience and inspiration and began to hold their own.

Business woman has time to engage in charity. For eight years old, Elena and her team support the house of Baby. Funds collected at charity balas are transferred to the help of children. In 2017, we bought two special skaters for the collected donations to children with cerebrals, in which you can move more freely and painlessly.

Favorite brainchild Shkuratova - Competition "Lady Siberia". In 2019, the Montica film was even removed. The main female role in it was played by the leading actress Theater "Red Torch" Claudia Karachaov, and Men's - Timur Eremeev. This actor is known mainly on television serials. Eremeev argued in the courts the right to call himself the son of the Soviet actor Spartak Mishulin, but his widow and daughter did not agree with this.

In the plot, the main heroine monica threw a businessman's husband and drove out of a gorgeous apartment. The girl could not find his place in life while at the psychology session did not advise her to participate in the beauty contest to raise self-esteem. This contest turned the heroine life completely. Thanks to him she met love, but also a former husband looked at the blooming monica with other eyes. The film show took place in one of the cinemas of Novosibirsk.

To the question, as Elena in life, everything has time, is replied briefly:

"The golden rule is not to be lazy, start a day at 6.00, competently form your day, and then everything is time."

Ksenia Austal Pak, Head of the Center for Supporting Citizens in Difficult Life Situation, "Good Hands"

Titles: Missis Siberia Global Universe - 2020, Mrs. Crystal Crown Europe - 2020

Age: 34

Peace saves: three beauties from Novosibirsk who have time to do everything 22342_5

The charitable organization was officially created at the end of last year, but to assist in need of Ksenia began long before. The first experience in NPO Ksenia received Siberia Siberian women in the Union of Women, and a year later he headed her Novosibirsk branch. The organization was engaged in providing assistance to children, including disabilities.

Charity for participants of beauty contests is the usual business. At one of them, Ksenia met a girl from Naberezhnye Chelny, who in the competition of business cards presented a charitable center, and it inspired to create their own NPO. It could be counted all who found themselves in a difficult position.

"If a person occurred unhappiness - he has neither documents, no roof over his head - we help not only the provision of clothing and shoes. We try to help solve other problems, "she says.

Peace saves: three beauties from Novosibirsk who have time to do everything 22342_6

The center is located on the Gusinobrodskogo highway, 34. There are no wishing to participate in charity can give unnecessary things, equipment, toys, dishes. Volunteers are sorted and issued according to needs.

The organization's assistance is provided by entrepreneurs - one of them provided the premises, and the manufacturer of upholstered furniture sacrificed materials, which then passed into the shelter for animals. At the beginning of the pandemic, special means for cleaning premises to the elderly people. The "Good Hand" Center works from November. During this time, help received 80 families. The Center has four main participants and 15 volunteers.

"Volunteers are always required. Volunteer's work is mainly to sort things that we bring. Those who are on cars take things from Novosibirsk. Volunteers are required at events, at reception points. We want people to know about us that you can come to get our help. We want to expand and open a representative office on the left bank. There is an idea to establish complexes to collect assistance in shopping centers and in residential complexes, "said Ksenia Ukhot.

Charity and education of two children takes her almost all the time. But if the time remains for yourself and creativity, then participates in various photo shoots. Plans to Ksenia take part in the international beauty contest in Singapore.

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