"Bad boy now has changed" - La Gazzetta Dello Sport about Cockerina


Roberto Mancini and Fabio Capello were instructed for him - major authorities in Italian football. Sasha Kokorin, however, comes to Florence with the Renome of a bad boy - a clear cliché, if you look at the rest of this Russian striker in the past. The history of life in which there were strippers, pistols and the beating of people, who pretended to be a year of prison.

In short, he tried everything. And if the party in Monte Carlo in the company's pairs of stripsersche in order to forget about sports disappointment at Euro 2016, as well as shots in the air on the occasion of the celebration of the wedding of his friend, Caechi, including the following post in one of the social networks, can be attributed to the foolishness of the spoiled boys , then much more serious was the fact of attacks on the driver who received damage to the brain. For that hooligan act Kokorin paid the year of stay in prison. He added a statement to his unsuccessful public actions that he did not know what Italian team was played by Diego Armando Maradona. But he was born yesterday.

But all this is Cocokin yesterday, young Buntar. That Sasha, who landed on Monday in Rome and will now play under the guidance of Cesare Prandelli - a completely different person living in a happy marriage and having a son. Plus, he went down to a decrease in the salary (almost 2 million euros) to get into the "Fiorentina" and to the European Championship, where he was constantly watched, but where he could not get to him.

The Russian striker chose 91 rooms, and his first interview, as befits, was published on the official channel "violets". "I chose Florence for its beauty and history. The wife and son influenced this choice. I will try to score a lot to win with "Fiorentina" titles. From my new teammate partners, I know Ribery, Salehone, Vlasovich and Bonaventure. I saw the last two matches - against "Napoli" and "Crotone," Kokorin said.

Now there must be at least a month before we see the Coconary on the field, who came to Fiorentina after the holiday associated with the Winter Pause in Russia. Cesare Prandelli sees the Russian striker as a second striker under Mrushovich.

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