Marso Party Nasa Perseverance Pass Colored photos from Mars


February 18, at 15:55 Eastern Time, the American Planet Shift Perseverance landed on the surface of Mars and began to transmit colored pictures to the Earth. At one of the photos that NASA shared, the rover showed the final stage of landing. The camera on the descent stage of the spacecraft captured the perspective. In previous missions it was not possible.

On other color photos from Marsa Show, the Martian landscape and the soil - under the caterpillar of the Marshode. On earth in the pictures clearly visible holes. Depending on the breeds, they can have a different origin. "If these holes of volcanic origin, then they can be tiny vessels that remain from the broken gases called" bubbles ". If these are sedimentary rocks, the holes may indicate that they have formed a fluid," Katie Morgan explained, deputy scientist Mission project.

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One of the color photos from Mars / © NASA / JPL
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There are small holes on the ground / © NASA / JPL

Another shot published by NASA on Friday, made the orbital machine Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter - a geological satellite rotating around Mars. It can be seen how Perseverance descends on the planet under parachute.

"The mercier copes perfectly with work," said Pauline Hwange, manager of the strategic mission of the Marsochode. This output will pass several checks to make sure everything works correctly. During this time, the cameras will be able to make more color photos from Mars, including Perseverance Panorama and "Selfie".

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Snapshot from the orbital apparatus / © NASA / JPL

Then the rover will spend two years, exploring the crater and the delta in search of evidence of an ancient life, which may existed when Mars was a more inhabited place. Perseverance will study the breeds at the Crater Day to determine whether they are volcanic basalt or sedimentary rocks. And also check the presence of Olivine mineral.

Adam Schedule, Chief Engineer Perseverance, compared the resulting images with the cult first pictures made on the Moon in the 60s, and the first image of Saturn, which "embodied the development of space."

Source: Naked Science

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