This is my city: singer Lyubov Uspenskaya

This is my city: singer Lyubov Uspenskaya 22290_1

About thoughts about their own restaurant, about the Russian spirit and about the presentation of the new video.

I was born…

In the beloved Kiev.

Now I live ...

In New Riga, I have long chose a place where I would like to live, and when I saw my future house, I understood that it was mine.

I love to walk ...

I used to live next to the village of artists, there was a special aura of our cultural heritage. Especially I loved there to walk in the winter. At this time of the year I received a special inspiration from walking.

My favorite area ...

I love all Moscow. With each district, I have a separate story.

My unloved area ...

Perhaps before I could answer. But today I am moving by car and see in every corner a beautiful.

In restaurants ...

I love seafood very much. And herself perfectly cook. Therefore, La Marée is one of your favorite places. I also recently discovered the restaurant "Pythagoras". And who knows, maybe in the future I will open my own restaurant.

All the time I'm going, but I can't get there ...

I really want to see the Kremlin Tsaric Chambers and plunge into the atmosphere of that time.

Difference Muscovites from residents of other cities ...

I am not a Muscovite myself. But Moscow immediately accepted me. I did not notice the difference. All coming residents This beautiful city gives a chance to be implemented.

Moscow is better than in New York, Berlin, Paris, London ...

Russian spirit. This state of the soul you will not find any point in the world.

During ten years in Moscow has changed ...

I will start with the most unpleasant - the plugs as it were, and remained. But at the same time, many creative workshops, exquisite restaurants opened in Moscow. The city became very mobile. He keeps up with the times.

I want to change in Moscow ...

I would like the inhabitants of this city to remain stress-resistant to such a difficult time.

I miss Moscow ...


If not Moscow, then ...

Perhaps I would choose Marbella, Spain.

I most often can be caught ...

At the studio.

Concert and presentation of my new clip in the modus restaurant ...

My choice on the restaurant modus fell not by chance. I have a presentation of the clip, and in this place the best screens in the city. I will appreciate the kitchen on the 26th. Waiting for everyone!

The concert will be held on March 26 at 19.00 at the MODUS restaurant at the address of the 1st workers., Vl. 6.

Photo: from the personal archive of love of the Assumption

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