Useful home cleaning equipment according to catalog users

Useful home cleaning equipment according to catalog users 22276_1

Soon the weather will improve and spring the sun will show all the dust on the shelves, tables and on the floor. And this is provided that it can break through the snow-mud leaks on the windows. To facilitate the inevitable general cleaning, collected for you the technique for guidance of order in the house, which is now ordered in the catalog most. About some things you could not even know, for example, about the robot - the car washer.

Vacuum cleaner for washing windows Bosch does not require nutrition from the network. It is completely wireless and works from the battery. Comes complete with wide and narrow nozzles. How does it work? At first splash the glass-purity fluid, then collect all moisture from the surface with a vacuum cleaner. The device can be used to clean mirrors, table tops, tiles in the kitchen and in the bathroom.

User Andrei marks in the revocation: "One charge I had enough for all windows in a 2-room apartment (4 + 4 balcony + balcony door), mirrors 3 pieces, refrigerator, glossy kitchen doors." A vacuum cleaner is charged from microUSB, so any home wire with such a connector is suitable. Users converge in one: wash windows and other surfaces with such a vacuum cleaner much faster and more convenient than newspapers or rags.

One of the claims to the previous Bosch vacuum cleaner was in the inability to attach some tripod for washing high windows. A special robot vacuum cleaner is designed to solve this problem and save the owners from the risk to fall from the window sill when trying to wash the window outside. Suitable also for cleansing glass and tiles. The robot is equipped with a vacuum engine, thanks to which the air is created, and it is kept on the glass surface. If the light turns off, the robot will work for another 20 minutes on the battery. Moves the robot due to two cleaning wheels. And to clean the glass, lint-free napkins are used from microfiber, which can be replaced and washed. For reliability in the package, there is a safety cord.

Compact and lightweight vacuum cleaner with battery charging via USB-C, which is enough, judging by the reviews for 20 minutes. It is clear that they will not remove all the dust in the house and all carpets. His main task in cleaning hard-to-reach places in the apartment, and everyone will have enough such. For example, they can brush the cage from the Parrots, keyboard from crumbs, vacuum the bags with clothing for trips or compact storage, clean the ventilation grid and any surfaces from crumbs and dirt. Users also note that they can be cleared in the car.

Big plus vertical vacuum cleaners in their compactness and mobility. They weigh less than ordinary, so they easier to remove large apartments or houses in several floors. Among such models, the most orders are now on Deerma DX700. It includes a slit nozzle, a furniture brush and a solid coatings brush. For its price, this is a good option for daily cleaning, especially in pet homes. The reviews mark high power, low weight and convenience of assembling a vacuum cleaner. We checked the Deerma DX700 in the case, and its results are available on the link below.

The vertical vacuum cleaner running from the network will still have to switch between sockets. When choosing a battery vertical vacuum cleaner, it is worth paying attention to the maximum work time from one charge. Here, for example, the popular DREAME V9 model with turbo and adjust the power of suction. Our user Stanislav describes its experience in using this vacuum cleaner: "Comfortable, thoughtful, light, compact. Power with a margin for any needs. The carpet or sofa is no problem: turn on the turbo and drove, 8 min charge is enough with a margin for any. For other needs, I use the average charge mode, and the power is enough with a reserve on a two-room dv. Now children are fighting for the one who today is vacuuming. "The real top brand in vacuum cleaners is DYSON. Dear, very powerful and efficient. It's just to contact him, there is no need to unwind the wires, so cleaning, most likely, will not be in a burden. Among the models still remains very popular due to the combination of the price and functions of the DYSON V8 Absolute. The optimal option for the first powerful vacuum cleaner of this brand or is uniquely efficient vertical vacuum cleaner. In the reviews it is praised for the abundance of nozzles that are not lying without affairs, and the time of work from one charge. "Charging is enough for cleaning one floor of a private house (not in turbojama), and this is about 80 sq. M. M, "writes the user Funtik111980.

A large vacuum cleaner is suitable for cleaning the apartment after repair or any work with a large amount of waste and garbage. At the same time, it can suck not only dry particles, but also liquids. For their plum in large volumes there is a special crane. The thing is almost professional and very useful. Of course, it is not for the weekly cleaning of the apartment, but rather to maintain order in private homes and in areas, for workshops and small industries. It is possible to synchronize with a tool for automatic switching on and off of the vacuum cleaner so that after the work does not waste time for long cleaning. Most of all in the catalog ordered two models of household vacuum cleaners - Bosch AdvancedVac 20 and Karcher WD 3 P Premium. In many ways they are similar. Differences: Bosch has more power, a more capacious dust collector and is a drain valve, but Karcher is easier.

Car vacuum cleaners can work not only from the cigarette lighter, but also from the battery. One of these is popular in the 70mai Vacuum Cleaner SWIFT directory. Our user feedback best describes the convenience of this model: "It is placed in the glove compartment. The battery is enough for complete cleaning. Who has children, I will understand me: after each trip there is something to remove. Therefore, an autoslasp for me is an indispensable thing. I took, weeping, removed back. No way with wires. "

The alternative of the battery model is the traditional Aweros Cyclone TURBO. It feeds from the cigarette lighter using the four-meter wire. Included a narrow nozzle for more thorough cleaning of the machine. With its main functions, judging by the reviews, it copes perfectly.

Popular home assistants among our users. Managed from a smartphone, build a room map and circle obstacles. One of the most useful functions is the daily planned cleaning of crumbs, hair and cat wool without human intervention. The robot itself carries around the apartment at a certain time and returns to the base. Many models have support for voice assistant, such as Alice. You can say: "Alice, weeping" - and the robot will go to clean up. You can adjust the power, modes of operation and set deferred commands like "swallowed after 2 hours." Of course, it will take a device with such a voice helper. Unconditional leadership hold the brand-vacuum cleaners Xiaomi. What model of them to choose? Answers in a large comparative material below.

Two Xiaomi robots today ordered the most - Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop and Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop Essential. The difference between them in the price of 200 rubles. More expensive Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop is better oriented in space thanks to the built-in navigation chamber and builds a more accurate room map, allows you to set virtual walls and cleaning zones in the application. Essential model is a simple budget Xiaomi vacuum cleaner with a damp cleaning and two side brushes.

Top velocity for regular wet cleaning at home. Mop is equipped with a flask with water to moisten the surface through the sprayer and it will help to remove various stains and wipe the floor. The nozzle rotates for the convenience of cleaning in hard-to-reach places. The most ordered model in the directory - Deerma Spray MOP TB500. The reviews praise it for ease of handling and benefit in household matters, especially in families with a child. An alternative is a very similar Evolution SM100 2F Movement with two replaceable microfibras in a set and a wider working surface.

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