Even with 1 cents will be removed! "Budget" parcels with Aliexpress and Iherb will be taxed

Even with 1 cents will be removed!

The goods ordered via the Internet in the amount of less than 22 euros will be addressed in Latvia by tax starting from July 1, 2021. In other words, the recipient of the parcel is waiting for the "customs clearance" procedure and payment of VAT is even for goods from one cent, BB.LV writes.

Plus the obligation to pay the banking commission for the transfer of tax from the bank to the Customs Account in Valsts Kase (Goskassu). It turns out that even the order will cost 50 cents (for example, at such a price, Icons with delivery on the popular Chinese platform Aliexpress, after customs clearance, you will also have to pay 36 cents for the bank transfer to the State Cup ... Because those who wish to order Goods from the Chinese Aliexpress, American Iherb, and other trading services outside the European Union - it is better to hurry that the goods come to the post office until June 1, 2021 ...

The EU e-commerce taxation mechanism will change: in the future, a duty will be introduced on the purchase of goods worth less than 22 euros. If you came the goods from China, USA, or any other country that is not part of the European Union (so-called. Parcels from the "third countries"), then the buyer before receiving the parcel in the mail must first be able to customize the goods and pay the tax to Goskassu (and translating money A mandatory banking commission in 36 cents is charged to Goskassa from any bank), - from November 17, 2019 such a procedure already operates in respect of goods whose cost is higher than 22 euros.

The scheme with tax up to 22 euros, I wanted to introduce from January 1, 2021, but postponed due to a pandemic and "braces": and the tax will introduce on July 1 of this year.

If you yourself can not customize the parcel over the Internet, then you will be offered the services of the customs broker for an additional fee. So, in Latvijas Pasts, the customs broker services will cost you two percent of the cost (!) Parcels, but at least three and a half euros (for example, if you have ordered a price of 10 euros from China or USA, and you cannot fill out a customs declaration yourself You will have to pay 3.50 EUR mail broker, 2.1 EUR in the form of VAT and 0.36 EUR Commission Bank for transferring funds to Goskassu - Total, your purchase will cost almost 16 EUR instead of the initial 10 EUR, keep in mind !).

In Latvia, this account is still deployed, but in neighboring Estonia, the head of the post office of the postal and customs services Omniva Eduard Saul spoke in the neighboring Estonia for all countries. He explained which goods and what taxes are subject to and when a new parcel law will appear worth less than 22 euros:

- Is it really a law on goods tax emerge in the near future to be less than 22 euros?

- The European Union really has intentions for the introduction of the tax from the first cent. This is due to the fact that now the European Union is now losing billions of the euro due to the fact that all countries have established some benefits, and, as a rule, this is 22 euros. There were already talking about the fact that this rule would once disappear, but then there will be a need to totally change the entire system for the declaration and tax collection. With the current system, it will be unrealistic to collect tax, if it constitutes only 1-2 eurocents. First, new concepts should appear about what amounts are declared who collect tax and lists the state. As far as I know, this project will be developed by 2021.

- When will the law come into force, will he continue to concern only third countries?

- Yes, such a law will not be related to the countries of the European Union. It concerns only third countries. Most of all goods comes from China.

- What other contributions should be made in addition to tax?

- Now according to the law, if the cost of the order is less than 22 euros, it is not taxed at all. If during commercial supplies it exceeds this amount or the cost of parcel between individuals exceeds 45 euros, then in this case it will be necessary to pay for the turnover tax. Customs is added to the cost, if the content is estimated in the amount of more than 150 euros.

- If the parcel is sent from a private person, such as a relative, what value of the content must be specified?

- When sending between individuals, the cost of content determines the sender. But if our customs doubts the specified amount, it can make pay tax. For example, the contents of the parcel were estimated in the amount of less than 45 euros, and in reality there is a computer or expensive mobile phone, then the amount of tax will be treated from the market value of the goods. Also, if the Customs Department has reason to believe that frequent postal shipments between individuals are not personal, but commercial, it has the right to demand the payment of tax.

But what they write in the comments to this publication:

- "What amount should I pay tax with 1 cent? Cut off the fifth of the coin and send a parcel?"

- "There are no goods from third countries worth 1 cent! But it is especially for you a minimal tax rate, for example 3 euros. Also, your commodity can always be assessed at its market value, and throwing you a penalty for tax evasion."

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