How to save the area from the growing raspberry


Malina is one of the most popular fruit and berry crops grown by almost every preservation area. Few of adults or children will refuse sweet and juicy berries, especially grown independently. But this shrub is "famous" and one negative feature - the ability to extremely rapid growth.

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"Aggressive" raspberries for a short time applies to an extensive territory, crowding out other cultures. There are simple and affordable ways to allow "to win" the territory of the raspberry and stop the rapid growing of the shrub.

How to stop the growing raspberry

To prevent the rapid growth of the raspberry in the territory of the garden plot and increase its yield, the rows of shrubs need to cut forward. It is advisable to do early in the spring, deleting, first of all, young shoots. If they leave them, you can soon notice the appearance of a huge number of young rigs around the site. In the process of thinning raspberry bushes, it is necessary to cut extra shoots under the very root.

After the procedure, only the strongest and strong branches that can give a good harvest should remain. After the thinning of the raspberry thickets need to be embellished using special "towers". For this purpose, over the entire perimeter of berry plantings, dig a shallow ditch and put garlic in it.

Many daches and gardeners noticed that Malina does not tolerate the "Neighborhood" with garlic. Berry shrub will not grow abroad outlined by fragrant garden crop. That is why garlic will restrain the growth of raspberry bushes. Of course, a certain part of the young felling garlic will "skip", but in much smaller quantities.

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Fencing from slate

One of the most simple and effective ways to stop the spread of raspberry plantings in the garden plot is a special fence, which is most often done from slate sheets. The main advantage of this method is that in this way it is possible to stop the reproduction of not only the young row, but also for adults, strong shrubs with a powerful root system.

All over the perimeter of the Malinnik, haul a depth of at least 30-40 cm. It should be located at a distance of 50-70 cm from raspberry bushes. Well-braid prepared trench, clearing it from weeds and the roots of the young shrub row.

After that, insert the slate slate sheets into the prepared trench. Above the surface of the soil, the barrier fence must rise by 10-20 cm. For such a fence, it is possible to use both solid sheets and remains of roofing material.

Raspberries can be seen almost on any garden plot, because juicy and fragrant berries are loved by adults and children. But during the cultivation of the culture, gardeners face her rapid growth and displacement from the site of other fruit-berry shrubs. Simple and effective biological means, as well as the installation of special barriers, will help to stop the growth of raspberries and do not give her to take the entire area.

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