15+ situations in which men, and not women suffered from domestic sexism


We used to assume that only women become the victims of gender prejudices and discrimination on sexual signs. A woman may not take a job on the "male" position, over the ladies behind the wheel, it is still customary to joke and tell the jokes, and in many families cooking and cleaning are still purely female classes. But it also goes to men: they later retire, sometimes they can not get a dream or to make a favorite hobby, because it is "Girl", even to reduce your own child to a doctor or change to him a diaper can become a serious problem.

We are in adme.ru collected stories told by men who have faced everyday sexism.


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© Pernatyi / Pikabu, © Vampire's Kiss / Hemdale Film Corporation


We have at work in a state institution strict rule: no shorts for men. The guard does not even let the building. While girls and women can be in any way. This is sexism and inequality in broad daylight! © Flatscher7 / Pikabu


The younger son (1 year) fell ill. We decided with my wife that I would go, because there is still a senior child (2.5 years), to leave it with no one, but I need a hospital for work. Put in the infectious compartment. I was the only adult man a man for 30. So the most interesting thing that at the discharge didn't want to give me a sick leave, arguing that my mother had to lie with the child. On my reasonable question: "And then however, if one fell ill, and I don't leave the second with anyone?" I was told something like "take a vacation at your own expense." © Andyjkee / Pikabu


When I was younger, I was looking for a job as secretary or administrator. We usually laughed and said that you need to print 24 words per minute with 95% accuracy (in those days they were also printed on the machines). Once it was even a test for me. I published 40 words with 99% accuracy. Then they told me: "Listen. This is a job for women. They need women. " As a result, I was suggested to work as a handyman - for smaller money. © Antoine Nunano / Quora


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© Fazameepo / Pikabu


Somehow on Tverskaya I went to the shop of underwear of the cowarders to buy yourself. I walked around the store - everywhere hangers and racks with female linen, everything is neatly, in size. I can not find, although I remember that they sell men's linen too. I decided to ask the consultant. She showed me on the "Tazik" in the middle of the store - here and lay in a bunch of men's cowpers. It's a shame. © Tran *** / Pikabu


I have both hands for girls go to skirts. But I also for ensuring that in the heat for work it was possible to walk in shorts. On this occasion, the story. I worked at school, I call me from the administration, they say, you need to come to help furniture drag, as they do not have men in other schools too. Okay, I answer, I will come after work. Well, in +28 ° C, I poured on the aid, naturally, in shorts, because at home always changed. I come, and I'm with the go: "Why did you come in shorts?" Damn, not enough to carry the furniture will not be in the pants and shirt, and even in the heat, so at all I came to help left. In short, I believe that you need to allow wearing shorts at the legislative level. © Enicc / Pikabu


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© hayabusa3 / Pikabu


I am a guy, learning in a pedagogical university on the Russian teacher. 90% of my friends consider this profession for a guy a little "Babskaya", and some people when they recognized that I am a future teacher reacted in a similar way: "Are you pinning? Pedagogue? What do you like Baba, would go to builders or driver. " © GORAZIONELSON / PIKABU


Last summer I worked the counselor in the camp. Parents came to pick up their children at the end of the day, and I had to accomplish them. There were a lot of moms who looked at me when their children hugged me for a farewell. They behaved as if I imagined a threat to their child. I want to pay attention that last summer I was 15 years old, but I looked at 12. © HOLYPWNR / REDDIT


Once my old boss was in the store at the beginning of the shift. He spoke with someone about football. After a while he turns to me and asks, for which team I support. I said that in no one. Then he asked what about baseball. I said that Baseball is also not interested. I don't really like sports at all. "Very much?" He asked me. No. He was confused. As if I told him that my pants were made of cheese. He asked that then I was looking at. I said that I have long refused cable television and read more and play games than I watch TV. But I watch television online. He asked what sports channels I watch online. © zediac / reddit


Well, what kind of equality can we talk about when, coming to the pool, I meet a woman in a male dressing room, with a non-vitable view of the outstanding keys from the cabinets. Just imagine a moment similar situation with male individuals in a women's dressing room ... © Vadim74 / Pikabu


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© Depositphotos.com.

My daughter was 3 years old, the pediatrician sent us to the children's gynecologist. Hello, come in, sit down. Madame about 50 somehow strangely looks at me: - I will need to inspect your child and take a smear. "Well," perplexed, "OK. - Where is Mom? - At work. - Let him come with mom. - What for? - I can't do this inspection, you are a man. I feel uncomfortable. Sign up, and let the child lead mom. - Mom has no opportunity to do this. Free time is only with me. - Grandma? - There is no grandmother. "So, everything that means, with a neighbor, let him come," the doctor says categorically. - I can not. - Are you seriously?! - Yes. - Neighbor? Yes, I am her and dad, and my mother from her birth. - Man! I said everything! © Nomats / Pikabu


Passed a medical examination in a paid clinic. After reception, each doctor fills the electronic card, and a copy of what filled, gives me. So, the ENT doctor of the inspection protocol began with a fat inscription "Child at the reception with dad"! © Mixailo / Pikabu


I drove today in the subway. Next to me was 1 free place. At one of the stations, a man with 2 children came to the car: a girl of 4 years old and a very small child in a kengurousenik. In his hands, he had a big and, judging by the mind, a heavy bag. A man is putting a girl, he becomes near. I get up and give him a place, just because it will be much easier for me to stand than him, with a small child on the chest and a big bag in my hands. He sincerely thanks and sits down. And you know, there was something strange here. Needing to us sat some woman. And she began to rise loudly, they say, where it is seen that the girl's man gives out a place, how so it is possible, they say, a man must immediately get up and squeeze me, ko-co-ko-ko. And someone else near her was given. © Shirhen / Pikabu


My son and I landed in Munich for transplantation. On the passport control, the German border guard on the name of the Swede asked if I had permission from my child's mom to export. I said no, why? "Well, suddenly you take him without the permission of Mom," he said. - Mom baby is aware of our trip! To me, she calls her skype? - I laughed. "Call," the Swede ordered. But mom read at this moment the lecture was not available. The situation was glowing. The queue for me reached several hundred people who stood a snake. It took more than 45 minutes, and it remained 15 minutes before landing. The Swede is tired, I decided not to miss us. I felt that everything was bad, and shouted to the whole hall: "I'm Against Sexual Discrimination!" ("I am against sexual discrimination" - per. Adme.ru) - What is such discrimination? - the Swede asked frightened. - Do you still stop other men with children? - Yes, hundreds! - the Swede was delighted. - How many women with children without fathers' permits you detained?! And then the Swede was in an unpleasant situation. "I just want to protect your daughter," he said quietly. "You didn't even look into the passport for an hour to understand that my son flies with me, not a daughter! This phrase finally finished the Swede, and after a short pause he reached for a stamp. My son and I ran through the entire airport and managed to jump into our plane. But since then, before the trip, we write a video storage with the participation of Ilya, his mom and the demonstration of their passports. © Driventure / Instagram

Have you ever come to such situations? Do you think, who more often suffers from domestic sexism?

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