In Russia, forbidden to engage in educational activities without permission

In Russia, forbidden to engage in educational activities without permission 22208_1

The State Duma on Tuesday, on March 16, adopted a bill No. 1057895-7 on "educational activities" in the final third reading.

Recall that in November 2020 the bill made due to the investigation of the intervention of foreign countries in the internal affairs of Russia.

The document for the first time enshrines the concept of "educational activities" in law.

According to the text of the bill to the third reading, under the educational activities is understood to be "Activated on the dissemination of knowledge, experience, the formation of skills, skills, value installations, competence for intellectual, spiritual, and creative, physical and (or) Professional human development, satisfying his educational needs and interests and affecting relations regulated by this Federal Law and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation "

Now you can spend any "educational activities" only in coordination with the authorities. The document notes that the use of educational activities is prohibited for inciting social, racial, national or religious rally through unreliable information about historical, national, religious and cultural traditions.

In addition, the adopted initiative obliges the highest educational institutions to obtain the conclusions of the Ministry of Education and Science or the Ministry of Apartment for the signing of international cooperation agreements in order to prevent "negative foreign interference in the educational process".

Interfax reports that the amendments were supported only by the deputies of the United Russia faction: 308 people voted, against - 95. Representatives of parties of the Communist Party and LDPR even called on to reject the initiative. The member of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and the first deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Education and Science Oleg Smolin stated that against the amendments "all the main groups of the domestic intelligentsia were united."

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