Draw your own iceberg and see how he will actually hold over the water


Scientists adjust another stereotype.

Draw your own iceberg and see how he will actually hold over the water 22205_1

A climatologist and a glaciologist (a specialist in studying ice and snow) Megan Thompson-Manson said that often people incorrectly represent the properties of the icebergs. According to her, the image common in the network is actually not found in reality. The scientist suggested in more detail about this phenomenon at work on Physics Today.

Shortly after Tred spread, he was noticed by the creator of the site to track the activities of the members of the US Congress Govtrack Joshua Tauber. He made a site on which you can draw your own iceberg of any form and see how it, based on all the parameters, will actually rise above the water level. Tauber stressed that his visualization is not completely accurate, but "approximately".

Twitter has already suggested some options.

Of course, it was not without visualization with the Titanic.

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