Okyronea. Why did she turn into a horse?

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Okyronea. Why did she turn into a horse? Photo: Depositphotos.

Cassandra - Growing. Her prophecies have always been associated with death, the audience did not want to hear it, no one believed her predictions. And she died not with her death, her rival killed her.

The greatest Russian poet of the twentieth century Vladimir Vysotsky wrote such lines:

Long Troy in the Siege position remained an impregnable stronghold. But the Trojans did not believe Cassandra, Troy, maybe stood B and today. Without a silence, a crazy girl screamed: "I see it clearly in the dust!" But clairvuniments - however, like eyewitnesses, people were burning at all centuries.

Similar fate was at the daughter of the Kentaurian Hiron, which was called Okyronea. She, too, was a prophetus and also predicted death. She was not killed, she was not burned on the fire, but her fate could not be called happy (the second book "Metamorphosis" of Ovid).

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Apollo, Chiron and Asclepius. Fresco from Pompei. National Archaeological Museum of Naples Photo: Marie-Lan Nguyen, Ru.Wikipedia.org

The history of the Okyronea begins with the love of Apollo - the God of the Sun, the healer's God, whom the ancients considered the embodiment of male beauty. One of his divine qualities was an insurmountable attraction to the female floor, which (as a rule), dishepted by his favor of particular happiness did not bring, and sometimes the death of those who had known God were held.

The Koronid was a beloved Apollo, but being a pregnant, changed him (a raven attached to him about it). The angry God killed the coronium - shot from Luka. Dying, Koronida told him that she was pregnant that she had his child in the womb, the child of Apollo. Her - dead - already put on the funeral bonfire, and repentant in the deed and failed to return her to life, Apollo

From the fire and the womb of the parent son, he pulled out and moved to Centaur Chiron in the cave;

Centaur was even happy to give such a gift, cared for a miraculous son. Loving the daughter of Hiron - Okyronea - visited the Father (where she dwells - it is unknown, which did it - unknown). The gods awarded the Okyrone in the gift of the priest (why and for what is also unknown).

... Provided the coming mystery. So, the sacredness of barely propheted spirit covered, only he had gotten in his breast in her chest, just saw the child ...

By the way, this is a child - Asclepius (or - Eskulap), the god of healing:

"For the world of all gracious, boy, grow! "Says," Must be often mortal life to you: you can return the souls. "

At the prophecy of the Okyronea Asklepius will not only be able to deliver people from the ailments, but also to resurrect them. Olympus was indignant - the resurrection from the dead was the privilege of the top of the gods. And Asclepius died. But afterwards the same gods resurrected him.

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Roman statue of Asclepia and Telefor. II century. Borghese Gallery Photo: Daderot, Ru.Wikipedia.org

As if on the occasion, Okyronea predicted a terrible death from the serpentine poison and the loss of immortality:

From the memorandums here, the deities will be made again mortal, and the thread will be allowed by the triy sisters-goddess.

The Bronian Goddess Sisters is the goddess of fate, parks that are worth the thread of life. The thread will be allowed - they will cut the thread of life, that is, they will condemn to death.

Okyronea barely managed to pronounce this prophecy - she turned into a horse. What happened to her later - Ovid did not tell ...

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On the left - the head of Dionysus in a wreath of ivy, on the right - Centaur Hiron, playing on Lira. Coin of the Vifficon Kingdom, 182-149 BC. Photo: bidspirit.com.

Author - Boris Roklenko

Source - Springzhizni.ru.

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