In the Moscow region began a large project to identify illegal buildings


In the suburbs are looking for unregistered houses and buildings. According to the Ministry of Property of the region, traversions began last week, and everything is planned to check more than 36 thousand sections. According to the ministerial property, this is "a project to involve real estate objects in the Moscow region to the tax turnover" - we recall that only registered houses and buildings are subject to taxes. Checks are carried out by specialists of the municipal land control, and this is reported, "will allow to embrace large areas where unregistered objects have been identified."

In the Moscow region began a large project to identify illegal buildings 2216_1

What will happen if the site will find an unregistered building or even the house? In Russian legislation, there is still an attractive loophole for those who built the house lives in it, and not want to register it and pay taxes. Here she is:

According to Article 131 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the ownership of immovable things is subject to registration in the Unified State Register. But there is not a word about it either in the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, nor in the Federal Law of July 21, 1997 No. 122-ФЗ "On State Registration of Rights to Real Estate and Transactions with Him".

Houses that is not registered in Rosreestre, legally does not exist. And once there is no property, there is nothing to do with the tax. According to Russian law, the nature of the registration of the rights is applicant, and the citizen cannot be obliged to do this. No administrative responsibility for the lack of registration and tax evasion in Russia is not provided. If a legally decorated land plot will find unregistered capital buildings, its owner is not wondering.

According to the Ministry of Property of the region, the owners will only inform "On the procedure and the need for registration." Performers will work in two stages:

Land inspectors reveal illegal buildings and will make data about them in the mobile application "Checking Moscow Region", the executive groups will spend a conversation with the owners of the plots.

The owner of the site may be subject to sanctions from the state for non-use of the area for agricultural production: instead of the maximum rate of 0.3%, they will apply a bet for "other" use species (maximum 1.5%). It is waiting for owners of country sites that use them for entrepreneurship.

In the article on Forumhouse, legal advisors of our portal detail and comprehensively disassembled this topic. Our experts believe that it is more correct to register at home, even if you are not going to sell them, give and leave inheritance and it is difficult for you to pay taxes. Registration of the house and land in many cases protects owners: at a minimum, in conflict with local administrations - the municipality will not be able to make the registered construction, only the court. Also all the time it is necessary to remember the possibility of seizing the sections by the state: it used to be done for laying gas pipelines and roads, and now the Law on All-Russian Renovation, which includes private houses. It is clear that only the owners of registered buildings will be able to calculate.

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