"You need to live for the sake of the Son" - fans pray for the health of Petrosyan


75-year-old pop artist

Relatively recently became the father of the charming boy of Vagan, whom he gave him a young wife Tatyana Bruukhunov! She managed to hide the fact of pregnancy from fans, and then sorrified everyone - an amazing situation!

In the new year, everyone summarizes the year! And I admire your year!

# EvgenyPetrosyan

# Petrosyan # popularist



Friends and fans of Petrosyan often say that he somehow changed - as if Tatyana acted in him a new life, his dismissal care and attention. Evgeny Vaganovich himself began to care more about his health: it regularly and passes the courses of special droppers, designed to strengthen his cardiovascular system.

Every year (and preferably twice a year) I strengthen the vessels of droppers.



Photo Evgenia Petrosyan from the hospital at first scared subscribers, some began to worryly worry that he was running after Boris Grachevsky. Fanam did not have anything, except for experiences - some even began to pray in the comments, if only Petrosyan recovered. But it was understood that a humorist was in the clinic not because of severe illness, but for the sake of prevention, the subscribers praise the comic for attentive attitude to their own health.

Yevgeny Petrosyan you need to live long and happily, for the sake of the heir-karapus! As Vitorgan, he has two karapuse! Health to you and your loved ones

- wished Follovier "Young" Father. Meanwhile, the new year began with an unexpected. Lena Miro praised Yulia Baranovskaya. Yes, you correctly heard, that Miro, which is usually very sharply expressed about the stars! Even the daughter of Jolie, who at the age of 13 decided to change the floor, surprised everyone - she changed! Neither a trace of the boy ... The daughter of Angelina Jolie struck her femininity. And so that this week began well, you can read about the author of the favorite song, for example, about Ruslan Nabiyev, who wrote an incredible song "on restaurants ...". It became known why the 31-year-old singer went away so early.

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