The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation revealed over 6 thousand violations of the law when organizing distance learning


According to the TASS, referring to the press service of the Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation, the Office conducted an inspection of the rights of schoolchildren and students during distance learning. As a result, more than 6 thousand violations of legislation were identified and about a thousand people were attracted to disciplinary responsibility.

The Prosecutor General's Office of the Russian Federation revealed over 6 thousand violations of the law when organizing distance learning 22152_1
The Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation revealed more than 6 thousand violations of the law when organizing distance learning /

In Telegram-channel, the Prosecutor General's Offers reported that in the Altai Territory, Bryansk, Volgograd, Omsk, Tula regions, prosecutors have made the abolition of the provisions on the remote training of educational organizations who bind children to have a personal computer with the ability to play sound and video with a stable Internet access, as well as Software for access to remote servers with curriculum and work materials. When checking in a number of regions, prosecutors also identified cases when schoolchildren and students did not have access to the network to visit a virtual lesson.

In addition, the Office responded on the situation with the lack of training of teachers to work in the conditions of distance learning, as well as the insecurity of teachers with the necessary equipment and appropriate for remote activities.

It is noted that more than 3.8 thousand acts of response were drawn up to eliminate violations, according to the results of the consideration of which more than a thousand persons were brought to disciplinary responsibility.

Also, those educational institutions were also subject to punishment, where, instead of visiting remote lessons, students independently studied the subject.

In turn, in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the deputy head of the Committee on Education Maxim Zaitsev proposed to create an online portal for students in Russia, where they will be able to complain about violations in their universities during distance learning.

According to RIA Novosti, the corresponding letter of the parliamentarian sent to the Minister of Science and Education of the Russian Federation Valery Falkov.

In addition, the deputy proposed to draw up a list of higher educational institutions that have passed on distance learning, and place it in open access in order to facilitate the monitoring of the execution by educational organizations of their duties on the transition to Distant.

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