Technology of growing juicy dill without umbrellas


    Good afternoon, my reader. In order to grow a thick and juicy greenery of dill without umbrellas, it is necessary to follow the rules and try to apply certain technologies. In addition, it will be important to choose a variety of dill.

    Technology of growing juicy dill without umbrellas 22128_1
    Technology of growing juicy dill without umbrellas Maria Verbilkova

    • Carefully learn the instructions on the seed packaging. It will be written on it, for which a plant is intended for: for growing for greens or seeds;
    • Choose the middle-wide varieties that give a large amount of greenery. Earlier hybrid varieties will faster and release umbrellas;
    • The greatest amount of greenery will give plants with a long vestative period. The longer this period, the greater the crop you can get;
    • Despite the promises of manufacturers on packages, the dill without umbrellas does not happen, as umbrellas are a natural way of reproduction for plants.

    • Soak dill seeds in warm gauze on three days (with a temperature of up to 50 degrees). Two or three times a day gauze must be changed;
    • The appearance of sprouts takes about 5 days. All this time, the seeds must be on a wet gauze at a temperature of about 22 degrees, they are also needed to cover with cloth or gauze;
    • After the seeds are sprouting, they are planted into the ground beams so that the bushes are subsequently turned out to be more dense, and not growing up, forming umbrellas. Sprouts should be unlucky into the wells with a diameter of 10 centimeters, watering enough water. Thanks to this, dill will be easier to germinate;
    • Do not forget to dip the plants after final germination. This will contribute to the formation of a strong root system. The use of organic fertilizers will help more actively and obtain juicy greens.

    When disembarking plants in open ground, take into account the air temperature, which should not be colder than 15 degrees (closer to the beginning of May or the end of April), depending on the climate. It is important to avoid frosts that can harm plants.

    Technology of growing juicy dill without umbrellas 22128_2
    Technology of growing juicy dill without umbrellas Maria Verbilkova

    If you plan to grow dill at room temperature, it is better to do not earlier than the end of February.

    • Long lack of umbrellas and the presence of juicy greenery;
    • Plants are less susceptible to the occurrence of fungus, infections and other diseases;
    • The method can be used on all varieties of dill. In some cases, umbrellas will appear a little earlier, despite this, the crop of dill will be collected several times.
    Technology of growing juicy dill without umbrellas 22128_3
    Technology of growing juicy dill without umbrellas Maria Verbilkova

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