The useful properties of the Brussels cabbage, which you did not suspect

The useful properties of the Brussels cabbage, which you did not suspect 22115_1
Useful properties of Brussels Cabbage, which you did not suspect Angelique

Perhaps you heard about the benefits of Brussels Cabbage and, perhaps, you know that they do not like children. However, these beneficial properties of Brussels cabbage are not known to everyone. And, if you cook it right, it is very tasty.

Useful properties of Brussels Cabbage, which you did not suspect Angelique

About Brussels Cabstone is extremely rarely responding with delight. But it can be prepared. For health is an excellent assistant. And now you will understand why. But we will immediately make a remark that we light this topic only for informative purposes. This is the food, not a medicine. Orampination is also not engaged!

She relieves the risk of heart disease

It has a lot of nutrients and a lot of vitamin C. And recent studies have shown that when using a sufficient number of this vitamin, the risk of chronic heart disease is reduced.

So this is not just a good garnish.

Brussels Cabbage is rich in antioxidants

Almost every article we are talking about them, but it's not just like that. After all, antioxidants are involved in the process of cell recovery.

Useful properties of Brussels Cabbage, which you did not suspect Angelique

If you do not like the taste of cabbage and you thought that antioxidants can be searched in other products, then you are right. But why refuse himself the pleasure. If you fry it with garlic and add mustard sauce, then you do not delay you for your ears from such a side dish.

There is a lot of vegetable protein in it.

This news will especially please those who adhere to veganism and vegetarianism. After all, these people suffer from lack of protein.Useful properties of Brussels Cabbage, which you did not suspect Angelique

It will be very tasty if you fry it with olive oil, it will add use to the head. You can also add pomegranate and hazelnut. We also wrote about the benefits of grenade.

The useful properties of Brussels cabbage are associated with bones

Useful properties of Brussels Cabbage, which you did not suspect Angelique

Brussels Cabbage is very rich in vitamin K, which helps to strengthen the bones, which prevents injuries. This topic is especially relevant for the older people, because with the age of the bone becomes more fragile.

It normalizes the intestinal work

How? The presence of fiber, which we wrote a big article for you. The fiber is a faithful assistant for the intestinal work. And the better it works, the healthier you will.

The useful properties of Brussels Cabbage affect vision

As sweet potatoes and carrots, many carotenoids in Brussels cabbage. These substances are reincarnated in Vitamin A.

Useful properties of Brussels Cabbage, which you did not suspect Angelique

We hope that this article is interesting and informative for you.

Be healthy!

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