The most popular divorce schemes in the network

The most popular divorce schemes in the network 22078_1

If some time ago, the attackers have tried banal schemes of deception of people, now the situation has changed, and they are becoming more sophisticated. Below will be presented the most popular ways of deception of gullible citizens, often used by fraudsters.

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№1 Trial version

First, the person comes a "unique" proposal, before which simply impossible to resist. It is limited to the victim to be confused. Having reached the opportunity, a person signs a contract in which small font is written that after the test period, contributions should be paid.

№2 "Cloning" network

The fraudster is close to his victim and copies the network, gaining access to its personal data, including login and passwords. It is able to redirect to a malicious Web resource with viruses or view the information downloaded by the victim. It is important to check whether there is no connected automatic activation of unknown networks on the gadget.

№3 Sudden Win

A person receives a message that he became the winner in the lottery (in which he, by the way, did not participate) and won 1,000,000 rubles or the other amount. But to obtain a priza, you need to pay for the collection by releasing the enyny amount of money for certain details.

№4 phishing

From the bank or electronic service, the client receives a freezing letter and the need to unlock the resource. For this, of course, you need to follow the link. As a result, the user falls on the scam site and registers, indicating confidential information. To avoid the assumption of this error, it is recommended to move only on proven links from reliable platforms.

№5 threat to physical violence

The sacrifice of scammers receives a letter that it was ordered, and is about to be stolen. But, transferring a certain amount of money, which is rather big and constitutes several medium salaries in the country, you can avoid abduction. The attackers often operate the victims of the victims - they call his name, address, place of work, etc. In fact, most often they are in another city, so as not to "glow", and do not take anything.

№6 work at home

There are two options for fraudulent action. In the first case, having received the completed test task, the fraudster disappears in search of another victim, which will fulfill another part of the task. №7 Remote work

In the second situation, the attackers are asked to pay a fee to ensure that the work will be performed, or pay expensive equipment, training.

№8 Site Copies

The user by mistake falls on the site and passes the authorization procedure. This is a twin site, and it is impossible to understand the substitution immediately. Therefore, you need to make sure that the resource is original and has the appropriate expansion.

№9 "Infection" of a computer

The window that pops up before the user provides information that the computer threatens the danger. As a result, it establishes programs that are viral or paid, and even spyware at all.

№10 Shares of charity

The site asks for helping homeless animals or orphans. To this addresse, money will not reach, stuck in the intermediate link, which is a fraudster.

What can not be uploading to the Internet?

In order not to get into the paws of intruders, it is categorically impossible to do the photo and the more lay out on the Internet:

  • boarding passes,
  • bank cards,
  • Statuses about the victory in the lotteries,
  • Caricatures about politics.

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