Missed VS Real Objectives


Missed VS Real Objectives 22072_1

Our real needs nest in subcortical structures of the brain. And these structures are not directly connected to the speech center. It is difficult for us to realize what we really want.

From here, many are familiar to the moments when we set our goals, but no actions and steps towards their achievement did not take.

Such goals as Belmo on the eye. For some reason, we think that we need to achieve these results, but at the same time I do not burn with a desire, and the word "need" does not motivate.

How so it turns out?

We are the cast of culture, the epoch in which they are born. And we naturally learn to wish the values ​​of "your time". It is even awkward if your friend or colleague is ambitious. You are confused by your own level of claims. You are trying to expand the list of achievements, but these movements do not lead to the sense of satisfaction.

We are also not in vacuum. Other people surround us, reality with their resources and restrictions. And if we do not get a response, then, most likely, we are incompletely visible what is happening, do not take into account the introductory and our own abilities.

The desires of our feeder are spinning around security, social and admiration. And our feeling of happiness depends on their closure.

Imagine a lion that runs along the savannah and persistently looking for antelope. But there are other animals around, which could be his prey. Predator Vedoda desire to find precisely antelope by ignoring other animals.

We understand that this lion is doomed to suffering. They drive a specific goal, reality and resources for the thickening of hunger, he does not notice.

So and we often take a set of imposed fantasies, trying to quench our "hunger" inaccessible to us.

Genuine desire is not the acquisition of something, but the replenishment of the lack, elimination of the deficit. And this deficit always spins around three basic needs. Inventing ephemeral goals, it will be difficult for us to come to the feeling of satisfaction.

? Mind will not move to abstractions. He builds his goals or a demanding future with a support for past experience. For this, the acceptor of the result of the action is answered - the mechanism described by the Russian physiologist PK Anocyne.

The snag is that such an image in the head appears only if you have already done something, tried, got basic knowledge. If you want something, but do not, then your brain does not know how to do it.

When the brain has an image of a demanding future, he, conditionally, moves to the goal, and you find yourself in new circumstances.

To help your brain, adequately inventory reality. Understand what resources you have, be unbiased: time, money, experience, skills, education, etc. Other people are also resources, often features inside your social contacts.

Remember, if you want to achieve something from a particular person or with it, you also have to look at it without illusions, eliminate attributing the qualities of it. Then you will have real facts, and not fantasy.

? Analyze and your life events. In some circumstances, you managed to successfully close your security, social and admiration. You will surely find in mind the moments when they were in the state of the flow, they strove to their demand for the future, have fun in the process, not knowing fatigue.

Whether it is work on work, building relationships, building your own project. Remember what methods you used then that it worked from this, and what not. It will give extra food for the mind and helps you understand your goals that will give satisfaction.

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