In the footsteps of the "beautiful" Alenka. Collected strange and terrible sculptures from Russian depths

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In the footsteps of the
In the footsteps of the

Creative people on the creative to see the world in their own way. But sometimes their fantasy and personal vision come too far. Then the strange sculptures appear, odious paintings and so on by the list. However, it does not cause any questions while the creation is in the artist's workshop. But if it hits the streets of the city, without a squall criticism could not do. In memory of Alenka, whose life was short, but very bright, we made a list of amazing sculptures inhabiting the neighboring country. We bypass the creation of famous sculptors, as well as the works of the Yakut-lover of the Yakut-lover and focus on the masterpieces that settled the outback of Russia. These monuments are so bad that even good. As part of one article, it is not possible to collect all contradictory characters, but with the most vivid representatives we will introduce you.

Novosibirsk zombies


If you believed that after dismantling Alenushki with terrible women, it was completely in vain. Novovoronezh Maiden has an older sister in Novosibirsk. The girl with shrill eyes and the neck like a fighter this time is not alone. It is part of a large composition and divides pedestal together with two young people and a dog. Actually, the sculptural composition is devoted to the importance in the life of a man of friendship and is logically posted on the "Alley of Friends".



From afar, the bronze company looks at all, but it is worth only to come closer and look into these persons ... "The monument to hate to man" called this work Novosibirsk local history and demanded to demolish the sculpture established in 2019. "When there was a discussion in the council of artists, only figures have shown us. But even they caused a negative response of specialists. The idea of ​​the monument is good, but the performance is terrible. Alley walks a lot of children whom it can just scare. And in general, the sculpture does not paint the look of our city, "said Konstantin Golodgyaev. We will specify that the composition cost 15 million rubles, which at that time was more than $ 230,000.



If you accidentally find yourself under Voronezh and want to touch the beautiful one, then you will not work. Indeed, at the 491th kilometer of the Moscow track, you are not suitable for not a gentle creature with accurate lines, and the horse is 3.5 meters high and weighing 3 tons. By themselves, these figures do not talk about anything, so we must look exactly what it turned out the author. And the horse managed oh-go what: very powerful croup, "bought" tail, bloated nostrils and rails in the mouth. Yes, Yarzh (so it was called local, forming a name from the name of the Yar Hotel, before which the giant is located) for some reason, is devouring the rail.



And if the horse becomes clearly far from reality, the sexual body of the animal is discharged with the maximum detail (and for some reason it is not a horsepower, but human). We will not show it, but find a photo without retouching is not a problem. I picked up this work Voronezh sculptors. Horse safely stands in its place since 2007, however, in a closed territory, therefore, it is not particularly sensitive to sensitive individuals and simply.

And Lenin again young

Someone who, and Lenins we saw a huge set: on impressive pedestals and modest couches, with an elongated hand or, on the contrary, with the back. Vladimir Ilyich was cast in the form of both half a man and a young boy. In 99% of the leadership of the world proletariat, it is possible to determine, only gladly looking at the monument. However, in the village of Novomyshestovsky Krasnodar Territory, Lenin decided to give extraordinarily plastic forms - once the monument "registered" restoration (with time Ilyich lost his head and right hand), why not rethink usual forms?



And now the canonistic Lenin has become a "floating" creature with a hand-loan, and on the face of the revolutionary, lips-clarification appeared. Moreover, the new head raises questions from which angle to see. And the most discerning: the author of the updated work is generally forgotten about the recognizable beard and mustache. The sculpture turned out to be strange and ridiculous that for some time the public believed that "this is all Fake and Photoshop." Lenin's "update" happened back in 2016, after the raised scandal, the leadership of the village promised to return to Ilyich the normal appearance. True, as soon as you find for this sponsor? What ended the story and what the Novomyshovsky grandfather Lenin looks like today, is unknown.

Favorite city


A very good deal at one time was conceived to realize the inhabitants of Blagoveshchensk. Namely: for own funds to cast a monument in honor of a woman who is a sewn symbol of the city. The "muse" of hundreds of sacrifices became Zinaida Sinitsin - the ice cream saleswoman. "Near her, a meeting was appointed, she sold ice cream from early morning and up to ten in the evening, and seven stores were closed. In any weather, there was always with bright makeup, "explained the Annunciation of the reason for their love for a woman who died 25 years ago.



For a fairly short term, citizens managed to collect 500,000 rubles (for 2013 it is about $ 15,000). As a result, such a monument appeared at the entrance to the city park. "Some blockage in a scarf and boots", "Is this Yeltsin?" - Immediately wondered by those who did not like the monument. However, the sculptor to all dissatisfied was parried: "This is a monument to our Soviet childhood."

And at the end explodes?


Perhaps the most unexpected monument that can be found on the streets of the city is a monument to the atomic reactor (Belarus recently become a nuclear country - note). They did not hesitate anything (it was even before Alenka) and built a highly simplified copy of nuclear power plants in the Novovoronezh - the city, which launched the first power unit for another 55 years ago.


Photo: Andrey Ivanöv @ Aivanov1965

The monument was solemnly discovered in September 2019. As it relies with a high-tech object, in the dark it is overflowing with various lights. "We handed over the drawings of the cover of the first reactor, which were located on the Novovoronezh NPP, into our shop of centralized repair. They put the task to make an accurate copy - a millimeter in a millimeter, to find the appropriate metal, pick up the finish, etc. Then the backlight was invented - more than 600 LEDs. They change the color according to the relevant program, which is also written by the craftsmen of the Novovoronezh NPP. This monument is another confirmation that the team of the nuclear power plant can solve any tasks. Not only production, but also such that helps to keep our story, because without preserving history there is no future, "said Vladimir Petrovich Kovarov, Director of the Novovoronezh NPP.

"I see so"

This year, a turn rejoice in special attention to the border guards. In Novozybkov, the Bryansk region "Upstairs" decided that the best gift to people carrying a service would be a monument. After all, everything is simple: a man, a machine, a dog - nothing can be spoiled. But no matter how not.


At the opening ceremony of the monument, which took place in the fall, all the college saw a very peculiar work. (It was best that the machine looked, worse - a dog, reminiscent of a mixture of a bear and PSA.) Local residents were outraged by Halhuroy and began to understand who allowed and signed. Detective story was promoted and at all: a sketch of the monument and even his gypsum test version made a talented local sculptor. But then the authorities decided that his services are too expensive, and in a row to another master (as they speak in the people - "their own"). The result is on the pedestal, it is called "border guards of all generations."

Photo: Bryansk.News.


However, people in shape decided not to leave it disgrace with impunity. They met with the author of the sculpture. The publication "Our Bryansk" leads the details of that conversation: "The gathered stated the sculptor that the view of the concrete border guard does not correspond to their ideas about courage, courage and courage. This artist replied that "this young man was going from different periods of formation of our state. To the knees, one period, to the chest another, and shoulders with the face of the third. " The answer about the dog simply threw Bryantsev in shock. The sculptor stated: "The breed is called an indefinite, since it personifies all dogs." He was asked who gave instructions to complicate everything so much. And the guy replied that he sees so much. As a result, the assembled recommended the sculptor to put their work in my garden. "

Wonder Centaur


Having studied as the horse of Yarnja, did you think that on this with a horsepower all? That's not. Look at Penza, where this year has his centaur, and not simple, and very wisdom: the head is unfolded on the contrary, the hole gaps in the chest. So I want to figure out: what did the author mean?





"This is a contact sculpture that can be touched by photographing with it. And if a person wants to sit on the back of the Centaur, he will see his open arms and a smile, not back. He turned his face to the rider, "the sculptor immediately explained the plan. This, however, did not make the inhabitants of Penza to accept the wonder-horse in the square. They quickly made a petition for demolition and began to collect angry voices. Success This, however, did not bring. But the townspeople found out that the Budget "Radial Centaur" cost (this is the official name "beast") at 2,806,309 rubles (about $ 40,000): "This cost includes a full range of works, including payment for the work on creating sculpture", - commented on the city administration.

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