Naked secretary from the "Zero city" went to Hollywood 30 years ago. What did she get?


Actress Elena Arzhanik is familiar to domestic movie lovers on the films of the 1970s - early 1990s, including on the rapid role in the Zero City Fiction. She had long disappeared from a public field. What's wrong with her now?

Naked secretary from the

Elena was born in 1960 in the city of Kolpino Leningrad region. She began to shoot at school: first in two films-performances, and then in the present movie called "Fifty for the summer", released on screens in 1974. In this picture, Arzhannik fulfilled the role of a pioneer girl.

Career Lena developed rapidly: new films with her participation went out almost every year. At the same time, in different pictures, it appeared every time in a new form, so it's not easy to know it. The most popular works Arzhannik in the 1970s - Melodrama Dinar asanova "key without the right to transfer" and shot in the same genre "Young Wife" Leonid Menacher.

Elena Arzhannik in the film "Key without the right to transfer"

In the 1980s, Elena continued to be removed everything as actively, and the loudest projects had to take place with her participation. In 1987, Arzhanik played an episode of comedy melodramas "Where is the nofette?", And in 1988, I appeared completely naked in the film-parable Karen Shahnazarov "City of Zero". Next year, the actress appeared in the comedy "For the beautiful ladies!", Which is called the "first Soviet commercial film." For the work in this picture, Arzhannik first received relatively serious money - 25 rubles for a filming day. In 1990, the Soviet spectators saw Elena in the criminal drama Viktor Sergeeva "Palach".

Elena Arzhannik in the film "For the beautiful ladies!"

Back in 1981, the actress graduated from the Schukinsky Theater School and parallel with the cinema played on the scene of the Leningrad Commissioner Theater, but the revenues there were meager. It is probably due to the financial dissatisfaction of the arzhannik, like many of her compatriots at the time, decided to emigrate in the United States. She did it with her husband, an entrepreneur Gennady Vostratsov, who was reported in the press, was tried three times (for fraud, evasion from the payment of alimony and selling stolen) and in an attempt to hide the criminal record. His new life, however, did not work: in 2002, a man was arrested on charges of particularly large fraud.

By that time, Arzhannik, at the very beginning of the 1990s, playing in a pair of domestic paintings, was already completely ass in Hollywood. She divorced with an unlucky spouse and married again - as reported, for the musician who gave birth to two children. Another five roles are listed on Elena's account (some of them under the name Lena Woroboff): In particular, in the militant with Michael DudiCoff "Urgent dive", one episode of the popular Hollywood TV series "Client always" and the Russian-American project "Spy Games: Private visit". The last of these works called this Much ("So much") came out on the screens in 2018. This is a comedy melodrama, filmed, apparently, the Russian-American community for his own needs.

Arzhannik has no accounts in social networks, therefore, to detect any evidence of her life behind the ocean is not easy. And yet there are some photos with the actress on the Internet there. According to them, it is possible to evaluate how much Elena changed over the past years.

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