Diet for longevity and recipe for useful hummus from Palace Merano, Italy

Diet for longevity and recipe for useful hummus from Palace Merano, Italy 22015_1

Joyful news: One of the main wellness centers of Europe - Palace Merano, after a forced break opens its doors on March 6, 2021 with an updated concept and Revital philosophy.

The main goal of the new Revital method is the restoration of the psychophysical equilibrium of a person, an increase in life expectancy and improving its quality. A new approach has a preventive effect and helps not just fight signs of aging, but the causes of the occurrence of these signs due to purification, bioenergy treatment and regeneration of cells of the whole organism.

Diet for longevity and recipe for useful hummus from Palace Merano, Italy 22015_2

Diet is one of the most important components of the Palace Merano recreational approach. The hotel offers customers two different power plans depending on the body's condition and goals.

Diet for longevity and recipe for useful hummus from Palace Merano, Italy 22015_3
Diet for longevity and recipe for useful hummus from Palace Merano, Italy 22015_4

Diet Detox Revital is aimed at weight loss, but first of all is aimed at accelerating metabolism and recovery of the liver and intestines. The diet - dishes rich in protein, fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. This low-calorie diet does not contain animal fats, and the salt in it is replaced with fragrant herbs and non-light spices.

The Biolight diet consists of light dishes prepared from local organic ingredients. A Mediterranean diet with its useful and delicious components with olive oil, fresh fruits and vegetables, fish and cereals is taken as a basis.

Diet for longevity and recipe for useful hummus from Palace Merano, Italy 22015_5

Palace Merano Chef Gunter Parhofer shares the recipe for hummus from Lime and talks about its useful properties: "This tasty snack consists of lime hummus and black soybean balls. Nut, the main ingredient of the hummus is rich in vegetable proteins, helps reduce blood cholesterol and improve the intestinal operation due to the presence of fiber. Lime is a fruit rich in vitamin C, potassium, magnesium and vitamins of the V. Black Soya group - a precious grade of this bean plant with antioxidant properties that give it a bright black color. Also, black soy contains isoflavon and a high level of amino acids, vitamin E and other nutrients. Coconet makes the dish sweeter, and also contains potassium and vegetable fats. "

Lime hummus

With spheres of black soybeans and coconut

Ingredients (for 4 persons)
  • 40 gr. Black soy
  • 25 gr. Tofu
  • 1 Packet ink Karakatitsy
  • 1 tablespoon of the agave syrup
  • 1 teaspoon dry vegetable broth
  • Chopping crushed beans thin
Ingredients for coconut spheres
  • Coconut shavings
  • 40 gr. Syrope Agava
Ingredients for hummus
  • 40 gr. Nuta
  • 1 tablespoon tachy
  • Juice of one lime
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil Extra Virgin
  • 30 ml. Vegetable broth
  • 1 teaspoon dry vegetable broth
Ingredients for decoration
  • Balsamic sauce
  • Zestra Lime
  • Soybean oil
  1. Soak black soybeans and nuts overnight. Then weld soy beans and chicks in sufficient amount of water until readiness (about an hour).
  2. Shoot tofu cubes, add cooked black soybeans to it and a little liquid in which they were cooked. Add vegetable broth, agave syrup, Caracatian ink and boil a mixture for about 10 minutes.
  3. Drain the water, leaving a little liquid. Grind the mixture in a blender or meat grinder. Add agave syrup and crushed fine beans. With the help of a spoon, form the balls weighing about 20 grams each. Pulk each ball in agave syrup and sprinkle with coconut chips.
  4. For hummus grind and mix well all the ingredients in the blender. Then start forming your dish. With the help of a confectionery ring, put the humus on the plate, I will argue place the spheres of soybeans.
  5. Decorate the dish with balsamic sauce, soybean oil and lime zest and serve.

Bon Appetit!

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