Application of efficient mulch in the country area


    Good afternoon, my reader. There are several mulch varieties that help increase the yield of plants. Proper use lies not only in the competent selection of composition, but also in the introduction of certain groups under the culture.

    Application of efficient mulch in the country area 22011_1
    Application of effective mulch on the country's cottage section

    Mulching (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    In the 20th century, the word MULCH appeared in the English dictionary, which indicated soft fuel substances. Most likely, the name "Mulch" appeared, since the main composition of the organic composition is the same to the touch. Mulch can consist of green plants, straw, wood and organic waste located in a long expansion process.

    Application of efficient mulch in the country area 22011_2
    Application of effective mulch on the country's cottage section

    Mulching Host (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    Today, the mulching uses various materials, including some inorganic, such as gravel. With the help of them cover the ground around the garden crops.

    Several types of mulch are very popular in Sadovaya Science.

    Coniferous needles are universal fertilizer used when mulching. This mulching layer is recommended to change at least once a few months, and the dry cheva can be folded into a bunch.

    Wood waste. This variety can be bought as in the finished set, and do it yourself.

    The beveled grass perfectly retains moisture in the soil. And during the decomposition period, it focuses the soil with nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium.

    Straw - lightweight material obtained from grain plants or alfalfa. Such a mulch is perfectly combined with different plantations.

    The recovered compost satums and enriches the soil with nutrients.

    Gravel has the longest preservation. However, it should be used with caution, since small stones are actively heated from sunlight and warm up soil, which can cause damage to the root system of cultures.

    Granite crumb is used for tracks between garden beds.

    When choosing a mulch, navigate, at what place in the garden you will use it:

    • Grokes - cover with a layer of straw or beveled grass. Since during decomposition they feed the land with nitrogen. Solo tree decompose with robble: distribute the layer in the aisle or near the plants. Coniferous needles will help enrich the Earth and create the desired degree of acidity for better development of cultures.
    • The paths between the beds are mulched with small stones, granite crumb or gravel. Such a mulch is more durable than a organic, no wind will not blow it down and the rain will not be mad.
    • Flower flower beds cover with a layer of chips and pieces of bark. Such material decomposes very long, and its shades will complement the beautiful background for flower plants.
    • In the attractive circles of fruit trees and various berry shrubs, place major pieces of chips, thereby creating protection from weeding grass and sharp flames of the lawn mower, since the root plant of the plant may be damaged during the mug of herbal cutting.

    The positive effects of mulch are completely dependent on its proper application in the ground, so listen to these two tips:

    1. Mulching material pour thin layer (about 5-7 cm).
    2. Change mulch each year. First, remove last year's layer, especially about crops subjected to diseases.
    Application of efficient mulch in the country area 22011_3
    Application of effective mulch on the country's cottage section

    Mulch application (Photo Used by Standard License ©

    But some actions that do not need to do:

    • If the grass was treated with pesticides in the last month before mating, then in this case, do not use it when mulching. Garden plants may be damaged by caustic substances.
    • From fresh compost can "burn" gentle plants and young sprouts. It can also be used as a mulch.
    • It is impossible to carry out mulching at the beginning of the spring, since the soil has not yet relieved, and the mulch layer will delay the development of plants.
    • Do not create a tubercle from mulch, because the seedlings in these "mulching volcanoes" will suffer from excessive moisture and their attack pests and infections.

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