Injection by packizer. Baltic countries began vaccination against coronavirus

Injection by packizer. Baltic countries began vaccination against coronavirus 21999_1

Coronavirus vaccination begins in the Baltic countries. December 27, vaccinations will receive physicians in Estonia and Lithuania, December 28 - in Latvia.

"We waited for a day, which many were waiting since spring, when we can begin vaccination of the population of Estonia, first of all, employees of the health care system and representatives of risk groups. This will allow us gradually, step by step, start a way out of this serious crisis, "said Estonian Social Affairs Minister Kike. It is natural that the first batch of vaccine is not so great and do not allow vaccination in a wide scale to immediately put an end to this crisis. Therefore, we all need to continue to adhere to all precautions, all established rules. "

The first parties of the Pfizer Vaccine - Biontech arrived in the Baltic countries on the night of December 26th. In total, 9,750 doses were delivered to each republics.

"Vaccine is our way to return to normal life," said the Prime Minister of Latvia Kristyanis Karinsh. "We will do our best to make it happening as soon as possible in 2021."

Injection by packizer. Baltic countries began vaccination against coronavirus 21999_2
Prime Minister of Latvia Kristyanis Karins and Health Minister Ilze Vinkele hope that vaccination will return the country to normal life. Photo by Valsts Kanceleja.

In Lithuania, the first vaccination received a nurse from Kaunas Yolanta Litvinen. "I feel great. This is the usual vaccination procedure, a normal painless injection, "she said.

Vaccination in the Baltic countries begins with workers in the health sector, then employees and tenants will be vaccinated, and people over 70 years old and those who are in the risk group in connection with various diseases.

Mass vaccination of the population will be free and starts the earliest in the second quarter of the year. However, whether this service will be in demand, is still incomprehensible. According to a survey conducted, the vaccination from Coronavirus is ready to make 44% of the in Estonia, 39% - Lithuania and only 34% in Latvia.

On Saturday, when the first batch of vaccine was taken in Riga, the Litwan city of Liepaja held a mass protest of opponents of restrictive measures in connection with the pandemic and vaccination of the population. They had to gather in this city after the authorities of the capital banned the conduct of mass events in Riga. Participants of the rally are now threatening serious penalties from the police.

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