Memorandum on the creation of the station on the moon Signed Russia and China


Memorandum on the creation of the station on the moon Signed Russia and China

Memorandum on the creation of the station on the moon Signed Russia and China

Almaty. 9th of March. KazTAG - CEO of Roskosmos Dmitry Rogozin and the head of the Chinese National Space Department (CNSA) Zhang Khajian signed a Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of the creation of the International Scientific Lunar Station (ENLS), reports TASS.

"Roscosmos and CNSA (...) State Corporation will facilitate cooperation on the creation of ENLS with open access for all interested countries and international partners, having a goal to strengthen research cooperation and promote the study and use of outer space for peaceful purposes in the interests of all mankind ", - reported on Tuesday Roscosmos and CNSA.

As clarified, the signing ceremony took place in video conferencing mode.

"China and Russia use joint experience and scientific technologies to create a roadmap for the construction of an international research station on the Moon," the statement published on the CNSA page in the WECHAT social network.

As follows from the application, the cooperation of the two countries in this field involves both the study of the lunar surface and the implementation of joint projects in the orbit of the natural satellite of the Earth.

"In November 2017, Roscosmos and CNSA has signed a program of cooperation in the field of space for 2018-2022. It includes six sections: the study of the moon and far space, space science and its associated technology, satellites and their use, element base and materials, cooperation in the area of ​​remote sensing of land and other topics. For the implementation of projects, working subgroups were created under this program, "the publication writes.

It is also noted that in July 2020 Rogozin reported that he discussed cooperation in space with Chinese partners, including in the lunar scientific base. He spoke about the agreement to start steps towards each other in determining the contours and the meanings of the lunar scientific base. In December 2020, at a round table in the Council of Federation, Rogozin said that in June, the Chinese side proposed to attract Europe to cooperate on the development of the Moon. In early February, Roskosmosa deputy headlopers on international cooperation Sergey Savelyev told TASS that Roscosmos discusses with colleagues from China possible scientific tasks for the base on the Moon and is working as a technical implementation of the project.

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