After 20 years, Apple again wants to make MacBook from Titan. But why?


In the second half of the year, MACs will change appearance. They write about it, it is inevitable, Apple has long been time to do it. Using the old design in MacBooks with the M1 chip, she still did not all forgive. But what exactly was invented in Cupertino this time, what it will be, this updated appearance, while they only know in the Apple Park campus closed, in the company's management and in the US Patent Office, where Apple periodically submits very interesting documents. This time it is something in general from the fiction area: Apple patented titanium MacBook. It sounds like nonsense, but in fact in the history of the company such computers have already been.

After 20 years, Apple again wants to make MacBook from Titan. But why? 21905_1
Once Apple has already made computers from Titan

In recent months, the number of patent applications supplied by Apple and the patents obtained on topics associated with the treatment of titanium and give the external surfaces from this metal unusual properties for it. Apple receives two or three hundred patents per month, on a variety of topics, most of the wonders described in these patents are never used. Applications are still worse. But all the real technical and technological accomplishments of Apple are nevertheless protected by patents, and this is not a single case.

In these patents and applications, we are talking about the semi-conchive finish of titanium surfaces, resistance to scratches and processing such surfaces. For no reason all this. One product in a titanium case is produced Apple now, this is one of the modifications of Apple Watch Series 6 GPS + Cellular. In the Russian Federation, Apple Watch does not sell support for cellular communication. Only extensive titanium surfaces with scratch protection is clearly not for them. At a minimum, it is not so important a question to deal with years and make tens of inventions. It is necessary for something else.

Will the new MacBook be from Titan?

Recently, in December last year, the American Patent and Trademark Bureau published Apple Patent Application, submitted to it in 2019, describing the technology of producing absolutely black surfaces, even more black than the world-famous Vantablack. Absolutely black finish is designed for aluminum surfaces, stainless steel, titanium and some alloys. On one of the illustrations in the application depicts those for whom it is done: Apple Watch, iPhone, iPad and MacBook.

After 20 years, Apple again wants to make MacBook from Titan. But why? 21905_2
Matte black can get all Apple devices

First Titanium Laptop

Apple has already been titanium laptops. In 2001, informing the public that Titan was easier aluminum (what?), Steve Jobs presented to the public PowerBook G4, in the housing from Titan.

Most likely, Steve rebelled, the advisers would not give him to smash such nonsense: aluminum is easier, Titan has a ratio of strength to weight much higher than that of aluminum - maybe he meant that. And also - Titan is more expensive. Aluminum alloys are better confronted by the appearance of scratches, and Titan is much more difficult to process. The world's first laptop with G4, the world's first laptop from titanium - and the situation of the PowerMac G4 Cube, the Apple position has been restored due to failure.

After 20 years, Apple again wants to make MacBook from Titan. But why? 21905_3
PowerBook G4 Titanium, Tibook

Since 2003, Apple has replaced titanium on aluminum alloy in the housings of its laptops, and since then, for 18 years, it prefers aluminum to all other materials.

With a sufficiently high probability, it can be assumed that someday may already be in the second half of this year (radical change in Mac design is a wonderful reason for this), Apple will introduce MacBook from Titan. Titanium is stronger, the walls of the laptops can be made more subtle - and MacBooks will become easier. And even thinner. And their elite modifications are likely to stop reflecting the light and will be absolutely black. Does this be interested in the public? Will these expensive (they can't not be more expensive than macbooks in the old habitual design of the traditional aviation alloy) to fit with virtual and physical counters like hot cakes? Titanium PowerBook G4, TiBook, in 2001, swept. Including due to the fact that it is titanium.

The success or failure of a laptop depends, first of all, on how much it meets the requirements of the time and needs of users, especially the needs, which no one else suspects. The thickness of the frame around the screen, the efficiency of processors and battery life are also important, consider in our chat in Telegram. As the price - it is in no case should be higher than the limit value, which has learned to brilliantly calculate the sales of Apple. Will they support the touch interface? There are many questions, there are even more answers, but as everything will actually happen, we will only learn on the day of the presentation. And I almost forgot - if with titanium laptops that do not reflect light, everything will turn out, the iPad and iPhone will be as follows. And Samsung and Xiaomi will catch up later.

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