Sergey Shukhrin spoke about the problems of Nizhny Novgorod search traffic

Sergey Shukhrin spoke about the problems of Nizhny Novgorod search traffic 21901_1

The head of the search and rescue squad "Volunter" Sergey Shukhrin told IA "Time H" about problems in the search movement of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

According to him, now several volunteer organizations operate in the region, which are engaged in people's search. On the one hand, it shows the increased interest in volunteering, on the other, - leads to fragmentation among Nizhny Novgorod search engines. There was a situation where experienced search engines instead of acting as one team are sprayed along different detachments.

"Many third-party observers think that the more detachments, the better. However, if you are in the essence of the question, it turns out a lot of unexpected. For example, the number of people in the region having a desire, and, most importantly, the ability to go in search at least during the day, at least at night, in any weather conditions, limited. I appreciate the number of active search volunteers about 300 people. And from the creation of five or ten detachments will no longer become. The volunteers sprayed to different organizations are much worse between themselves, the number and quality of searches drops sharply, "said Shukhrin.

In addition, according to the leader of the Volunteer PSO, due to the incompleteness, many detachments literally "work on the trash can", polishing several times the same people and place the same orientations. Also far from all the detachments share information with their colleagues, and this can cost the life of the missing person.

Shukhrin said that the majority of search participants, security officials and district administrations agreed that all the search engines of the region should work as a whole, but so far no one has made specific proposals, how to achieve this. Also, the union is prevented by the personal interests of the leaders of some search groups.

"Promotional renovations of certain newly new managers on the root lick this initiative. Today, volunteering is the fastest social elevator. Yesterday, you were nobody, without education and work, and today I attached a badge on the chest with the inscription "Volunteer" - and now you are already the search group commander, you call on TV shows, you are advised, invited to meetings in the authorities. Volunteer detachments - this is a slice of society: there are decent people, and there are those who are just looking for glory, "said the head of the Volunteer PSO.

In his opinion, the Ministry of Internal Affairs can solve this problem, which will take on the organization of interaction between search groups.

More information about how the work of volunteers in the Nizhny Novgorod region is organized today, and what problems are facing volunteers, in an interview with Sergey Shukhrin.

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