Russia will not be disconnected from SWIFT

Russia will not be disconnected from SWIFT 21883_1

The State Duma is confident that the management of the international settlement system does not even consider the possibility of turning off Russia from SWIFT. Anatoly Aksakov, the head of the Financial Market Committee, is convinced that it will be too high reputational risk for SWIFT.

"It's hard to believe that Russia can turn off from SWIFT. This is not an American, but an international organization. Formally, it is completely independent, it cannot be influenced by the US authorities. The Russian Federation is one of the most serious participants in the international settlement system, so no one will turn off us. And if this happens, the authority of SWIFT will be completely undermined, "said Anatoly Aksakov.

At the same time, the parliamentarian noted that in theory, such a shutdown may occur - the SWIFT manual under certain pressure and circumstances will launch the corresponding mechanisms.

"Even if such a shutdown, in which it is difficult to believe, will happen, then our domestic market will not suffer from him, because in the territory of the Russian Federation it has long been used in the system of transmission of financial messages," said Anatoly Aksakov.

Artem Tuzov, one of the managers of IR Universal Capital, commented on the possible disconnection of Russia from SWIFT: "If such a shutdown occurs, then Russia will face extremely serious problems when conducting international settlements. Including panic will be sown in the foreign exchange market. But the US authorities perfectly understand that they will also suffer from a similar solution, so it will be extremely difficult to accept it. "

The expert also noted that Russia will most likely be able to quickly adapt to restrictions in international financial transfers, because since 2014, the country has been operating in the country (SVFC). Access to it is available in all major Russian financial and credit institutions and organizations, as well as in foreign banks from EAEU countries.

"If you look into the future, the need for SWIFT use in Russia can completely disappear. For example, if a digital ruble will be introduced soon. Of course, a disconnection from SWIFT will lead to the fact that the dollar rate to the ruble will jump, but everything will return to the norm, "added Artem Tuzov.

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