20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps

20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_1
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_2
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_3
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_4
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_5
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_6
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_7
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_8
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_9
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_10
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_11
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_12
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_13
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_14
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_15
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_16
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_17
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_18
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_19
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_20
20 atmospheric abundance from around the world, from which goosebumps 21866_21

On Reddit there is a community of Abandonedporn, where magnificent photos of abandoned places are published. It has almost 1.2 million participants, many of which love to ride peace, find abandoned places and make artistic pictures. The BoredPanda resource was the top of the most atmospheric casts from all over the world, published in this community. It really worth seeing to feel how your passion for travel is awakened.

№1. "I lit this terrible abandoned house with my drone and attached to it by the searchlight," the author writes.

№2. Abandoned railway tracks in the forest.

Number 3. Abandoned Cathedral in New York.

№4. Mcdemott Castle in Ireland. Built between the 12th and 18th centuries, he burned down and collapsed during World War II. Only the ruins, which you see in the photo remained.

№5. Abandoned French chapel.

№6. The photo is made in Norway, a country of fairy tales.

№7. The author of the photo discovered this abandoned diner when drove on a country road. The whole technique, vases with flowers and even the dishes stand still, as if the owner of the cafe announced customers about the closure, without waiting for the end of the working day. "We are closed, all won!" He shouted, and everyone just got up and came out.

№8. Abandoned party mansion in the depths of the forest in Maryland in the east of the United States.

№9. Another snapshot from Portugal. This time an abandoned Gothic Church.

№10. Creepy ghost city from hundreds of abandoned "Disney castles" in Turkey. He had to become something like an American suburbs with private houses. For construction spent $ 200 million.

№11. Library in an abandoned XIX century mansion.

№12. Abandoned busts of American presidents at a rural field in Virginia.

№13. Abandoned shale mine under Kereedigion in the UK, called the "Cave of Lost Souls". 60 years after the closure, it turned into an underground landfill. People dump the garbage into it, including auto balls and old household appliances.

№14. Abandoned train of the 1930s era.

№15. Abandoned funeral bureau.

№16. Abandoned house in California, which completely brought by sands.

№17. Abandoned cinema and popcorn left in it.

№18. The cruise liner of the German expedition, which in 2000 fell to an unknown reef near the Solomon Islands.

№19. The photo is made in an abandoned mining village in Pennsylvania.

№20. Passenger steam ship, in 1916 the victim of the coast of the Island of Magnetic Island near Australia.

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