The first personnel of the interview with Prince Harry and Megan Oplan appeared on the net

The first personnel of the interview with Prince Harry and Megan Oplan appeared on the net 2186_1

A new honest interview with the Duke and Duchess Susseki for the television star Winfrey is looking forward to not only the representatives of the Royal Family of Great Britain, but also the public. Although the native Prince Harry fears what can say on the camera of a couple who moved to North America. And the first personnel of the interview also intrigue to the public, writes, referring to Express.

Public reaction to the interview trailer

The upcoming conversation of Sussexes with Obrey Winfrey caused many speculations among royal fans that Megan Plant can speak, and what is not. Now their excitement has reached apogee after the CBS channel has released the teaser pre-recorded interviews.

Some fans of the family of the family are confident that the answers of the pair were carefully thought out to prevent awkward moments, while others are confident that the former American actress will not hold back.

"I just want to clarify everyone that there is no prohibited topic," says Opra Winfrey in one of the moments of a small video. After she asks the wife of Prince Harry, she herself did not disclose the information or forced her. "You said rather shocking things," this phrase of the TV host most intrigued the public, which cannot wait for the moment when the interview will be in full.

The first personnel of the interview with Prince Harry and Megan Oplan appeared on the net 2186_2

It is expected that the conversation of Prince Harry and Megan Plancover will be frank and versatile. In it, the spouses will tell about their lives as members of the monarch of the family, to leave the UK and about the future plans.

The trailer also shows how the grandson of Elizabeth II recalls his mother. He compares the experience of Princess Diana with his wife. "I can't imagine how it should have been for her passing through this process alone many years ago," says Prince Harry. His words supported Megan.

The first personnel of the interview with Prince Harry and Megan Oplan appeared on the net 2186_3
Photo: Getty Images

The full version of the interview will be able to see the whole world on March 7. And a few hours before that moment on television, the British Queen will perform. What will lead to the public of Elizabeth II?

Main photo: Instagram / Oprahmagazine

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