The reliability of the power supply to Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions has decreased - the Ministry of Energy


The reliability of the power supply to Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions has decreased - the Ministry of Energy

The reliability of the power supply to Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions has decreased - the Ministry of Energy

Astana. March 17. KazTAG - the reliability of the power supply to Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions has decreased, the press service of the Ministry of Energy.

"On March 16, at 21.46, the air lines of 220 kV L-2019" GPP-1 - Kyzylorda "and VL-220KV L-2089" Karatau - support "JSC" KEGOC "were disconnected. As a result, the Kyzylorda and Turkestan region turned out without power supply. The power plant of the PCP "Kyzylordeploelectric Center" reduced generation from 62 to 0 MW, "the message common on Wednesday.

According to the department, at 00.27 at the PCP power station "Kyzylordeploelectrolelector" included GTU-3, in 2.27 included GTU-1, in 3.33 included GTU-2, in 4.16 hours included TG-3.

"The power plant mode is restored. At 21.52 included air lines of 220 kV L-2019, L-2089. Restrictions were removed. In 22.47, the air line 220 kV L-2089 "Karatau - reference" was reisted. When inspecting the air line of 220 kV L-2089 "Karatau - support" on anchor support No. 439 (77 km from PS Karatau) discovered the wiring of the "B" wire. The restoration work of the emergency brigade of KEGOC JSC has begun. On March 17, 2021, at 9.49, after removal of damage to the wire, the airline of 220 kV L-2089 "Karatau - support" was included, "the chronology in the Ministry of Energy.

The department reminded that on March 13, as a result of the impact of natural natural phenomena (ice rain, a hurricane gusty wind 28-30 meters per second, the wiring of the wires of power lines) was shutdown of air lines of 220 kV L-2439 "Kentau - GPS" and L-2319 "Shymkent - Mirgalimsai" due to the fall of the supports.

"As a result, today the reliability of the power supply to Kyzylorda and Turkestan regions is reduced to the restoration of electrical networks damaged due to the natural elements. The Committee of Atomic and Energy Supervision and Control of the Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan, together with the Akimat of the Turkestan Region, monitored for the energy supply of consumers of the Turkestan region and restorative work on the networks of JSC "KEGOC" and power facilities, "were assured in the ministry.

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