I sing a song about coupons - sell them for money

I sing a song about coupons - sell them for money 21762_1

I sing a song about the coupons -

For money selling them

Remember, at each bazaar from dawn to sunset there were mysterious people with signs on the necks: "Gold, currency"? Fuddy living pawnshops. Bought at one price, sold with margin on another. They did not disperse at the same time and vouchers. Muddy had times, it would seem that this is no longer repeated. What do you think, the city settled something similar, although quite different about another occasion.

The story of our heroine, let's call her Irina Georgievna, we did not believe immediately. But with every minute she was all convincing. Surprised atypical history, we grabbed the pencils to docume the important little things. Active pensioner, telling about the details of his amazing for someone's work, discovered our eyes to a whole business of rather controversial legality. Hold the bet, most of you did not even guess about his existence. But first things first.

In Balakovo, thousands of people enjoy benefits for public transport. A few years ago, "unlimited" travel rates were replaced with travel tickets, their number is limited to 50 trips. In winter, the beneficiaries move around the city much less frequently than in the summer: cottages on the castle, the favorite fairs are not open every day, and the weather does not always have to move. Therefore, it is not possible to use all the darke trips. Here and buried the dog.

In the morning, Irina Georgievna goes to a stop on Minskaya Street in search of people with expired coupons. There is rarely the cherished cherishks, so the pensioner buys them from schoolchildren and pensioners for a moderate and all arranging fee.

- There is a preceded price of 4 rubles per coupon. People do not feel sorry - they still throw out. And here at least a small but trifle on ice cream or loaf-another bread. Many people already know in the face, come to me and pass the coupons.

You might think that our heroine is a strange woman with an incomprehensible hobby, if it were not for one "but". Such as she stand almost at every crowd. Here all "their own": zones are strictly distributed and strangers in the "business" are not allowed. You can learn many of them on the homemade announcement "buy twin" with the phone number. Our heroine is just that. But how to cash out this "bill"? As easy as pie!

In the city there are several points of buying coupons. The most popular, perhaps, is at the "Mail" stop. At the very facade of the post office, there is a car, buying coupons from citizens. Another point is on the modest market at the Romance store. These medium-hand dealers work at the expense of ordinary grandmothers, such as Irina Georgievna, buying the coupons for 7-8 rubles per piece. So, this middle hand has a way out directly to the Ministry of Social Protection, which is engaged in compensation for carriers (11 rubles per coupon). Some granny grannies will permeate dealers and rent directly to carriers by receiving maximum income.

- If in Balakovo, even die, more expensive than 8 rubles, the ticket is not selling, then there are no intermediaries in Voloschi, there people pass the coupons for 11 rubles. True, the transport workers do not bother on trifles and buy tickets only in bulk, "tells us the enterprising not from the good life of a pensioner-widow. "Judge for yourself, my pension -12 thousand, for a bustle with coupons I have 3 thousand, that is, a quarter pension as a gift is a good promotion?! I and in the city I go with a bologna bag with the inscription: "Carticles". People understand all the extra questions do not ask. If you want, you can do the buying tickets yourself, you have a lot of newspapers in your city.

Hmm! We will work better on the profile. Nevertheless, personally, you are interested in the topic, how did we promise at the beginning? Not that word!

Even a simple conversation was fruitful for me. The chauffeur on the city route told: many bus drivers do not surrender the hosts to the owner, and they themselves carry them to buyers to get a small increase to the salary. Make sure for yourself: at the end of each month, the conductors are missing unused tolls from passengers. But for what? They either give them to the employer, and they carry to the Ministry of Transport, or leave themselves, already selling them to the side where they find. But it is risky, because in this business there are no strangers - everyone knows and can "report" at an enterprising driving or conductor. Therefore, from Saratov to district centers often drive wholesalers, buying coupons from drivers. And these are only wild flexible flowers. Coupons of suburban routes are much more expensive than urban, but this is another, much more thick on the kneading story.

As an illustration - attempts to earn the same in Vkontakte. Group "Barakholka Balakovo". The author of the announcement of someone Anastasia Malinova: "Caution !!! Do not throw extra travel tickets, I buy them. Provided that more than 60 pieces, I give 3 rubles for each ticket. If not, then by 2. I take everything starting from April-2020 (completely all kinds). "

All of the above is the strange, but profitable "Industry" for someone became possible after the refusal of unlimited travel. It is saying that everything, except for those for whom benefits, and those who, actually, are imposed on the coupon system. And on the top of such pyramids, corruption is sitting, as a rule, unspecified officials. That is, initially the benefit is designed to help old people, and in the end feeds the servants of the people.

Who and how much has it has, no one will say to your eyes. Yes, and we were not told, they gave only to understand that at the grassroots levels of the cakes have x rubles (the same 3-4 thousand from Irina Georgievna), at the second level, the carrier puts himself in his pocket 10x (let it be 30-40 thousand), And at the top level - 100x (300-400 thousand conditionally, but everybody every month!). Stop the established turbid mechanism simply - to return monetary compensation to beneficiaries so that they directly finance the carrier to buy a ticket for travel. But our state does not like to distribute money to the population. It is much simpler to anyone else (and grandmothers type of our Irina Georgievna here are far from the major beneficiaries) from day to day generously and with impunity to warm his hands on the coupons, is not it?

The name of this article is to reinpecify the purchase of a leech from the famous fabulous passion of Durramara. Only there is anyone who will tell him:

- Do not ride your goods,

March from here, Durramar!

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