Being perfect is not easy, but someone must. A selection of video speakers of the Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov

Being perfect is not easy, but someone must. A selection of video speakers of the Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov 21724_1
Being perfect is not easy, but someone must. A selection of video speakers of the Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov 21724_2
Being perfect is not easy, but someone must. A selection of video speakers of the Turkmen President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov 21724_3

President, jacket, writer, rapper, racer, fisherman - this is not only can fit in one person. Surprising? Eccentric person is not only about the stars of Hollywood, but also about the ruler of Turkmenistan, one of the most closed countries of our time. Any public emergence of President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov turns into a show. And what did you achieve? This question arises from everyone who at least once enjoyed rap about the horse from the Turkmen leader, his spectacular discovery of a drug oven or just one day from the rocking chair.

Turkmenistan is an independent Islamic state in Central Asia. Lifelong president of the country before December 21, 2006 was Saparmurat Niyazov. After that, Gurbanguly Berdymukhamedov organized him a gorgeous funeral and in connection with this (yes, yes) became the new leader in the country.

Further - all in the best traditions of dictatorship: the cultivation of the cult of the old leader's personality and the strengthening of the new one. Portraits of Berdymuhamedov - former dental equipment - took honorable places in the country. Citizens of Turkmenistan have since admire only them. Gurbanguly loves to make decisions, distribute instructions, prohibitions and permits. And it, apparently, adore for more than six million citizens of the country - in the 2017 elections, he scored 97.69% of votes, where else did you see this?

In general, citizens of this country are a lucky way. In Turkmenistan, there is still no case of coronavirus. There they banned the word "coronavirus" - it is impossible to talk about COVID-19 at risk of dismissal. Broadcasting of foreign media that distribute information about the pandemic temporarily suspended. Medical brochures with reference to coronavirus destroyed. True, in summer, the Ministry of Health of Turkmenistan called on citizens to wear masks on the streets and not approach each other than the meter. But not because of the distribution of COVID-19 (there is no), but in view of the dusty of air.

The average salary in Turkmenstan is about $ 230, the pension is $ 85. But the President of the country may afford to order on his birthday performance Jennifer Lopez for $ 1.5 million.

Being perfect is not easy, but someone must. Despite the risks for life, Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov tries to develop their talents. For example, in 2013, he participated in races on the racetrack and ... Fully flew from the saddle. Berdymukhamedov prayed about the groundwater. Nevertheless there is no doubt who became the leader of the race.

But why about sad? Each have ups and downs, but some are much more positive and success. About such pleasant and truly beautiful moments from the life of the Turkmen leader remember Thanks to his videos with him. Let the shower be delighted.

President-musician: "Kara-Kum", rap and the role of DJ

Songs and Caverits Berdimuhamedov, judging by the video, can not leave any viewer indifferent. Everyone sink and danced, quite sincerely smiling and rejoicing the execution of acquaintances and new tracks from the respected president, - this is how Gurbanguly is constantly called GOSMI in television vessels. For example, in this minute plot, where through the notes, the Turkmen leader improved the melodiousness of the work, the "respected president" sounds three times and twice - the "leader of the nation".

"The respected president in the record studio was engaged in music and the study of the peculiarities of the musical world. Using various styles, executed the newly composed musical work of his grandson of Kerim. The head of state lost each part of this musical work on various tools. Through the notes, the respected president improved the melodiousness of the new product created by the grandson of Kerim, "the story says.

But it's time to be closer to business, that is, to the musical works of the respected president. The most famous performance of Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov is his Caver on the song "Kara-Kum". Not far from the mountains on March 8, and now you know how to conquer any girl.

But do not be a genius, if he does not have his works. Of course, the Turkmen President himself writes music and words. And naturally, executes. What is only this rap about the horse.

"Dear President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov exchanged views of contemporary art with his grandson Kerim. Having written a number of poems, the head of state translated them to music and created beautiful songs, "the stories say in one of the plots. A roller from one New Year's banquet, where Berdimuhamedov, along with his grandson, sang a song of his own essay in English, German and Turkmen.

President-athlete: Trains Silovikov in a rocking chair, drifts and acts in the circus

Who can teach security officials, how to work out correctly, if not the president? Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov in 2019 conducted training in the gym of the Olympic Town in Ashgabat, where he gathered the leaders of power departments.

Last year, in one of the weekends, the President of Turkmenistan was engaged in Scandinavian walking on the road to the Center for Autosport MTD. Then at the request of the Minister of Sports experienced a new BMW in Drift.

And so solemnly and colorfully the president opens a bike monument, heads the bike ride and plays billiards.

Under the rapid applause of Berdimuhamedov performed at the circus arena.

But the most complicated and gambling sport in Turkmenistan is a high-speed recording for the president. He was held by Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov at the Olympic Stadium. He also checked, whether the world's largest statue of Akhaltechin is visible on the field.

President President. Saturdays, opening of monuments and stoves for drugs

Naturally, among other important cases, the head of state should not forget about the main responsibility - the country management. For example, who, however, he will approve the projects of the Centers for the breeding of Alabaev. "The infrastructure of the centers will include the checkpoint, the administrative office, the building for workers, exhibition and training platforms, the stands and the corps for veterinary service," the state media of Turkmenistan reported.

The anti-drug campaign in the country is also not held without president. Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov personally burned in the furnace several packages with smuggled drugs of different types. In total, 122.5 kg of narcotic substances were destroyed during the action

Agriculture also does not control himself and does not attend. President Berdimuhamedov arrived on a working visit to the Balkan velayat to control the situation in agriculture, loving local agronomists, quoting them several proverbs. The agronomists were carefully recorded, otherwise the crop could face irreparable.

And on November 7, 2020, the autumn vanishing campaign began in Turkmenistan, in which President Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov took part. He sugared to the plot on the horse and personally landed 30 trees. Would you be so possible?

Turkmenistan, like Switzerland, adheres to neutrality. Therefore, the international policy of the country is carried out in a very friendly and welcoming manner. One of the most famous and vivid episodes - when Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov congratulated Vladimir Putin with the past birthday and gave him alabaya puppy.

On the skill of the Turkmen leader to conduct international affairs, the meeting of the Heads of CIS Heads in Ashgabat also speaks eloquently. Here we see how the presidents of the post-Soviet states sincerely thank the owner of the round table - Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedov.

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