How to grow watermelon from seeds on milk in the open soil

How to grow watermelon from seeds on milk in the open soil 21721_1

Milk can be used at two stages of growing watermelons.

The first is to push the seeds in milk to help them germinate faster - real bonus, if you are engaged in dacha mudflow in the regions with a cool climate and short summer.

Second. Later, in the season, milk can spray mature vines in order to prevent the rusty dew, the common mushroom disease of the watermelons.

Now in order.

1. Choose a bed at the solar place with a good drainage, after tiping the soil in the early spring, add from above 7-10 cm of reworked compost and redo.

2. Form the hill on each plant. It should be about 30 cm in the diameter and 30 cm in height, and the hills are located at a distance from the half-meter from each other.

3. Cover each hill with black plastic, stretching it on the ground at a distance of 30-50 cm around the circumference of the embankment. Seal plastic edges of the earth so that it remains in place. Plastic will help the soil faster to warm up, and also protects from weeds.

4. When the time comes recommended for planting watermelon in your area, take care of seed preparation. Buy milk, heat on the plate 1 cup of milk so that it is only warm, and not boiling, break into the plastic container. Put the watermelon seeds into warm milk and put a capacity for 24 hours in a cool place in the house. You must soak about 3-4 times more seeds to guarantee germination.

5. Remove seeds from the container 24 days. They must be swollen and visually look brighter from soaking milk. Milk gives them food, improves germination.

6. Make an incision at the top of the plastic on each hill and plant from 3 to 4 seeds at a depth of 1.5 cm into the prepared soil. Usefully sprinkle with water, then water twice a week and arrange a moisture productive watering every two weeks to stimulate the development of a deep root system.

7. Two weeks after germination, go, leaving the strongest. Cut the remaining seedlings at the base, and do not pull them out. Unreasonable weeding damage the roots of the remaining, while cutting with scissors will provide an additional organic.

8. Mix 1 part of the milk with 9 parts of water and from the spray gun weekly spray the vines as a measure of the prophylaxis of powdered dew.

9. Reduce watering up to once every two weeks after the fruits appear on the vine. Excess moisture during fruiting will lead to watery and less sugarda watermelons.

10. Collect the harvest when the crust is solid and just begins to yellow on the ground. This should happen within 12-16 weeks after landing.

This method of cultivation of watermelons on milk allows you to get an organically pure product without chemical fertilizers and pesticides. Striped berries are inclined to accumulate nitrates, when the owner of the site is spinning nitrogen fertilizers with generous hand. And since the fashion for healthy food is rapidly gaining momentum, why not experiment in the new season? This is a rather simple method, to cope with whom even a novice gardener.

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