Municipal workers on the electrocars, smart refills and vehicles on clean energy. Startup from Grodno changes world energy


Startup from Grodno will help to transplant public utilities to the electrocars, design smart refills and translate urban transport for clean energy. The BANTGO project became the finalist of the international program aimed at solving global world problems. It will be presented at the 26th Conference on Climate Change, among other innovations from EAEU countries.

Municipal workers on the electrocars, smart refills and vehicles on clean energy. Startup from Grodno changes world energy 2172_1

Green portal swept on a pilot electric car and found out why this project is important not only for Belarus.

"Everything is simple and at the same time, everything is necessary," Startapian SEO Sergei Zhiltsov shows a pilot Sidus A01.

The car on 12-inch wheels is the first double mini-electric car on the Belarusian roads. Model is budget, so without delights. At the same time, the cabin has air conditioning and heater, there is a parking sensor and a multimedia system with a touch screen. The car is charging from the usual power outlet by 220 volts.

This model is a prototype, collected in Minsk in a single copy. It is this machine that will participate in the pilot project Bantgo for food delivery. Startup participants are developing an IT platform for renting electric vehicles. In the future, the application will be able to use not only delivery services, but also other city services. Several Grodno Pizzeria agreed to participate in the test.

Now the electric car is tested on city streets to identify weak points before launching in production.

- It is necessary to add noise insulation, it is more convenient to arrange the seat, protect the charging from corrosion, "Sergey lists.

And the founder itself startup in the coming months is preparing to work the pizza delivery: wants not only to check the machine, but also to understand the needs of potential users of the IT application.

Municipal workers on the electrocars, smart refills and vehicles on clean energy. Startup from Grodno changes world energy 2172_2

Started with Volga and Gazelle

It all started with the hobby of retrorsobils, tells Sergey. Programmer by profession, he spent his free time in the garage. In his youth assembled Zaporozhets, restored old Volga, Passat.

- I saw that there is a request for equipping such auto electric motors. So the idea appeared to make retroelectromobili for tourist purposes. Then he began to think about ecology and global problems.

Initially, the idea of ​​the Grodno startup was to convert cars with gasoline and diesel engines into electric vehicles. For this we developed a universal set of details. With it, they wanted to update the fleet of urban services, make it environmentally friendly. They planned that in the future a hundred will be able to buy a franchise and independently install such kits to everyone.

The development of interest in Grodno, Russia and Europe appeared. And with Cuba, they even concluded an agreement on cooperation. But you must first implement a pilot project. He, in turn, is waiting for the decision of officials.

- We stopped at the stage of launching a pilot machine for Grodnaenergo. The 1996 issue of the release of the release, which is used to maintain the power grid, was to be re-equipped. Preparing to repeat this for a part of the fleet, the organization has about 200 cars. There was a plan to create route electrolyxi for Grodno trolleybus control. But after August, there were difficulties with financing.

Electric car by subscription

While the project with large machines is waiting for implementation, the startup reoriented to mini-transport. Electricians want to rent private businesses and city services. The ultimate goal is to remove utility and commercial cars from the city streets at fossil fuel. From this idea, the Grodnots fell into the finals of the digital accelerator of the Sustainable Development of the EAEU.

- When developing the IT platform, the rapid development of delivery services took into account. These are challenges of a pandemic, and the overall trend of services. Now the world is popular to ship the last mile, that is, from the store to the client. At the same time there is a request for small economical transport.

The manufacturer of compact electric vehicles found in Minsk. A private company was engaged in this topic for several years, the experimental samples collected. And Grodnots came up with how to use them. We developed a subscription model, that is, long-term rental for cars.

Municipal workers on the electrocars, smart refills and vehicles on clean energy. Startup from Grodno changes world energy 2172_3

- Without IT solutions, this is just a car. The program will enable users to build logistics, quickly serve. For example, I pressed the button - and the car was taken to repair.

The idea of ​​subscriptions, the exchange of assets on online platforms is a shering, another trend of the global economy. The ecological bonus of such a model, according to Sergei Zhiltsov, is that the lease operator will be responsible for the disposal of batteries.

And another app should solve problems with charging and infrastructure. Today, the Sidus A01 stroke reserve is 120 kilometers, and it is necessary to "refuel" it 5 hours. The program will track the state of the removable battery. If necessary, a mobile brigade will be able to replace it in a short time.

Sergey Zhiltsov is confident that the decision will be in demand. Startup participants considered that the mini-transport for rent is more profitable than buying a large car. The cost of 100 mileage kilometers on Sidus A01 is around the ruble.

Municipal workers on the electrocars, smart refills and vehicles on clean energy. Startup from Grodno changes world energy 2172_4

The project became interested in major food delivery operators in Minsk and Germany. And in Klaipeda, they want to use the Grodno idea for tourists. Cruise liners stop in the local port, and travelers can rent cars for excursions. Auto offer to install a guide in the city and attractions.

Chinese car will be Belarusian

SIDUS A01 technical solution is not original. The manufacturer studied the Chinese market for several years, chose one of the most popular models. Collected the car in Minsk, it took a year and a half for certification. In the future plan localization.

- For example, on the "Belcarda" you can make the rear axle, on the "radar" - wiring. It will be cheaper than caring Chinese details. And for the Belarusian economy benefit.

As a prototype in the Grodno project there is another model - Sidus Space. The electric car is even less than Sidus A01. The maximum speed is 45 km / h, and the stroke is 70 kilometers.

Municipal workers on the electrocars, smart refills and vehicles on clean energy. Startup from Grodno changes world energy 2172_5

- This is actually a quadricycle. It can be ride not only in the city, but also in large enterprises between objects or in environmental zones.

"In Europe, they want to choose whether to charge with ordinary energy"

"But the point is not in cars," the Sergey residents smiles. - The main goal to which we are moving is to create a power transport function.

This means that the transport is completely environmentally friendly, did not have a negative impact on the environment. We are not only about emissions into the atmosphere. It is important where the car is charging, as it is disposed of, and ideally, how and what is being created.

"Not all the energy is clean, even if it is produced from renewable sources," explains Sergey. - In Europe, now actively go to accounting of energy. People want consciously choose - use green energy or ordinary. You can watch, from which source the car is charging and thus reduce the carbon footprint.

BANTGO allows you to track these processes. And in this uniqueness and interest for the world markets of the Grodno startup.

- The rental operator will have a thermal map of routes. She will show how the cars drive, where they charge, as much as the charge is enough. These data are in demand for the construction of smart cities. Where and in what quantity to put refueling, rental - all this is integrated into the energy transfer quarter already at the project stage.

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So looks like a heat card. Reds marked areas with the most active movement

Municipal workers on the electrocars, smart refills and vehicles on clean energy. Startup from Grodno changes world energy 2172_7

Project of the intelligent energy carrier quarter Rublevo-Arkhangelskoe in Moscow. His construction finances Sberbank of Russia

The decision, according to Sergey Zhiltsov, is easily scaled. The same information collection system can be applied when the project will be launched on the transformation of old machines to electric cars.

Mayor Grodno waiting for a test drive

In the meantime, Sidus A01 overcomes snow drifts on Grodno streets. People look at an unusual car with surprise. Smile, mashed her hand and shoot at the camera.

"Cool gadget," reacts passenger with information that the machine can be called through a smartphone. - Our mentality is unusual. Too small.

But Sergey Zhiltsov is confident that the future of eco-friendly mini-transport.

- Why carry air and tons of metal? After the war, we went to small cars, because there were no resources. Now in the world consciously reduce consumption, go to lean production. People often more convenient to pay for rent than buying. While I went to Sidus in Grodno, approached passersby. One couple aged decided that it would be good to remove such a car in the summer to ride the cottage. Grodnots could get to the center from Olsanka or Grandici (new microdistrict, built in removal from the city. - Ed.).

Municipal workers on the electrocars, smart refills and vehicles on clean energy. Startup from Grodno changes world energy 2172_8

In the future, not only compact electrocars are involved in the project, but other types of mini-vehicles - bikes, scooters, autonomous deligances - drones.

"In New York on the drones, the pizza is already carried," Sergey gives an example. - So you can deliver small loads, for example, from pharmacies, mail.

Developers offer cooperation not only to private businesses, but also to the state. The response was obtained from the Brest City Executive Committee. Recently, this city became a member of the competition of urban innovation from the former mayor of New York Michael Bloomberg. Winners will receive a million dollars on the realization of ideas.

- Brest has a request to another model - type of pickup. It will use public utilities. The Chairman of the City Executive Committee complained that there were still flowers on the flowers of old Zhylas.

In the hometown of the city, there were no active interest in the startup, Sergey is admitted.

- But the mayor of Grodno promised to test our baby. We wait.

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