What is common with the movies "Nobody" and "John Piq"


Hutch Mansell (Bob Odenproke) is a simple American worker. He gets up early in the morning, puts out the garbage, cooks coffee and go to work. So pass his gray days, like two drops of water similar to each other. But one day Hutch releases the inner beast. Wanting to help an unfamiliar girl on the bus, he joins a fight with hooligans. One of them turns out to be the younger brother of Russian mafiosi Julian Kuznetsov (Alexey Serebryakov), and soon the Hatch begins great problems. However, none of the bandits suspects that this respectable family man is not as simple as it seems.

Director Ilya Knisuller grew up on the fighters of the 1990s and always wanted to be like her idiot Quentin Tarantino. He started from the film "Hardcore", in which the author's thrust was bright towards merry violence and absurd action. The debut abounded by numerous kameo and, in general, was well adopted by the public, but the second time to remove the cinema on the same reception - from the first person - it would be a mistake. "Nobody", delivered in Hollywood, is a completely different project. As a producer and the screenwriter, one of the authors of John Whitch - Derek Kolstad made here. Fortunately, Hasuller did not imitate the militant with Keanu Rivz, the Russian Soul and the author's style of director felt well in the picture.

What is common with the movies
Frame from the movie "Nobody"

As in the "John Wich", the most innocent reason becomes the reason for the meat grinder - the Hatch daughter loses his favorite bracelet with cats. And the desire to delight the girl leads the protagonist into the most thick of mafia disassembly. Naisuller is rapidly moving directly to violence and fights, almost not paying time to the plot, which here, of course, is uncomplicated. First of all, "no one" is a cheerful attraction action, thoughtless and very beautiful places. The first big fight, put in the close interior of the American bus, shows how strongly evolved the director's handwriting of Nasuller. Excellent choreography is combined here with grotesque and black humor almost perfect.

What is common with the movies
Frame from the movie "Nobody"

It was difficult to imagine that actor Bob Odenproke, most famous for the role of Sola Gudman in the TV shows "in all serious" and "better call Salu", so good as a militant hero. Usually ridiculous and dramatic on the screen, Oden Piece is reincarnated in the murder car. And this contrast between the sutowless and innocent family man and blood litters, which he sheds on its path, gives the film a special comedy effect. Separate holiday to see in Hollywood action Alexey Serebryakov. The artist with ecstasy and expression is playing a crazy oligarch whose passion - songs from the 1990s and noisy parties. Julian loves attention, bought by compliments from the "brother" and terribly wants to finally get rid of the griddle of Neshi - the mafia "community", to guard which he was imposed by "colleagues" from Russia. One dance of Serebryakova under the song "Cute My Accountant" decorates the picture as nothing in the world. Of course, the Russians in the film are depicted comical and "cranberry", but they don't want to be offended at the director-compatriot - this is a clean stroke.

What is common with the movies
Frame from the movie "Nobody"

The problem is different: Hasuller still lacks feelings of measure. Madness and absurd on the screen continue to grow - in the finals of Oden Piece, RZA rapper and the old man Christopher Lloyd are shooting from the Horde of Russian gangsters in enchanting ecstasy. It's funny, and it can be seen, with what love director will paint violence and murder. But, like "hardcore", "no one" lacks something more to stay in memory after viewing - Drak scenes, even the most impeccable, quickly dissolve in the head. Still, in the best militants of the era of the video galleons, which frankly appeals, Hyasuller, was his own special charisma and dramaturgy. "Nobody" is too second to be the same "John Wechi" and stands out in his background, except that Russian flavor.

However, it is impossible not to admit that the joint project of the Russian director and the Hollywood studio succeeded, and this is the main thing. Naisuller found a common language with foreign colleagues and managed to prove that he knows how to put a vigorous action. All problems "no one" with interest are compensated by the unrestrained enthusiasm of the director. As in a huge sandbox, Hyasuller with burning eyes and children's joy, sends a crowd of villains to death, beats the car and explodes at home. And I do not want at all that the author will ever grow up and becoming more serious.

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