Apple does not want someone to watch IOS users. Except her


Apple approach to working with user data is very different from the approaches of other companies. Unlike Google or Facebook, the company from Cupertino does not completely depend on advertising, and therefore can afford not only do not follow their customers, but also to prohibit doing this. So in IOS gradually a wide range of tools that block the websites and applications access to user data with all the resulting appeared. Another thing is that, according to some, so Apple simply clears the road for yourself.

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Apple was accused of surveillance for users in secret from them themselves

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The France Digital Association, which protects the interests of French IT companies, accused Apple in violating the law of the European Union on the protection of user data. According to the lawyers of the Association, the data of its customers collect in Cupertino, but they do not request the appropriate permission. And this is despite the fact that the company has already managed to bore with competitors who opposed the introduction of the rule to the resolution request for third-party developers.

As Apple monitors users

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These are the permissions from users now need to request developers, but Apple itself does not want

According to Nicolas Biraen, the head of France Digitale, Apple is collecting user data for at least three of its service: Apple News, stock and App Store. Allegedly the company monitors those who use these products, and then forms their own advertising based on the received information.

True, advertising identifiers do not use in Cupertino, and this is, according to Biran, allows Apple to divert from collecting data in principle. Just in the company replaced the concepts, and this allows them to be secretly comparing themselves with competitors, to declare that they are not followed by anyone.

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However, this is not all. France Digitale experts adhere to the opinion that Apple allows themselves to transmit collected data on users to third parties. Their role is performed by the companies with which Apple cooperates in one way or another.

Apparently, in this case, it means its contractors who perform various orders of the company, providing for direct or indirect work with the audience. True, what is this company, how they receive data from Apple and what they do with them is not specified.

Why Apple is watching us

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In the App Store there is an advertisement, albeit contextual, and not targeted

To say on the conscience, accusations of Apple's address about the surveillance for users may not be deprived of meaning. After all, if neither twist, but some of the company services use certain tools for promotion. For example, an App Store has built-in advertising, and Apple Music, Apple News and Podcasts are a system of recommendations that is based on the interests of the users themselves.

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That is, in order to recommend them a new content, Apple must collect and analyze a fairly large data array that simply cannot but be personalized. Another thing is that Apple does all this as safe as possible and, if the user data collects, then in the minimum necessary volumes. But it would be more honest if she just requested them the same permissions.

Why does Apple can't afford it? Yes, because she was worthy of great jobs to develop all these tools, blocking tracking, and convince developers to obey the new rules. As a result, Google, not to enjoy the spy, had to even make changes to their applications, refusing to collect IDFA. And if Apple itself will now begin to request permission to be surrounded, all work on discrediting competitors will go to the cat under the tail.

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