Armed, protected and very dangerous


A promising tank, developed by the Rostex Uralvagonzavod concern, will demonstrate the public at the international defense exhibition IDEX-2021, which will be held in Abu Dhabi from February 21 to 25. For the first time, T-14 Tank on the "Armat" platform was represented by the general public in Moscow, at the parade of the victory of 2015. Since then, the developers argue, the car managed to get rid of "childhood diseases" and improve significantly.

According to a number of military experts, the T-14 "Armat" is a new word in tank building, and has no analogues in the world. The machine has a high degree of protection, including from high-precision weapons, and the presence of special equipment allows you to integrate the tank into an automatic tactical link management system. Note that it is fundamentally new, fully Russian development. In addition, the T-14 has already passed the test for use in unmanned mode.

"We look forward to considerable interest in the samples presented at the exhibition from the states of the Middle East, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region," Alexander Potapov said the general director of the Uralvagonzavod concern.

There is no limit to perfection

In the car used unprecedented design solutions - in particular, uninhabited tower. For the first time in the history of tank buildings, the crew was placed in the armored capsule, isolated from the ampaid placed in the fodder. Now the tankers have a chance to stay alive even with direct contact in the tower, the press service of Uralvagonzavoda reports.

To reflect the T-14 attacks is equipped with active and dynamic protection, which are associated with the armor, can withstand the entry of any existing anti-tank agent. In addition, the original Silhouette of T-14 in combination with the use of a special coating gives a stelles effect and significantly reduces the visibility of the machine in the thermal and radar surveillance spectra.

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Armed, protected and very dangerous press service of the state corporation "Rostech"

Press service of the state corporation "Rostech"

To destroy the enemy, the tank is equipped with a remotely controlled combat module with a powerful cannon and an automatic recharge system. On the perimeter of the Tower and the Armaty Cases, the optical-electronic surveillance devices, aiming and detection of threats included in the system of target designation and rooting fire are installed.

Summarizing the listed qualities, the T-14 can be called the quintessence of the history of the development of domestic tank buildings. The Minister of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov already lasts in the spring confirmed media representatives that T-14 successfully copes with problems identified at the first prototypes. And even leading foreign experts recognize that in the world today there is no tank better "armatas".

T-14, meanwhile, continues to develop - the Ural designers bring the car, given comments coming from customers, informs the press service of Rostech. Designers managed, in particular, to completely solve issues with engines and with thermal imagers. Now the power plant "Armatians" have a power and resource specified by the technical task. As for the thermal imagers, the French devices were used in the tank, and with the introduction of sanctions it took time for the launch of its own production. Today, T-14 operators look at night targets in the domestic thermal voices of the Shvabe holding.

If without politics - then out of competition

Specialist on National Security and Military Policy, Director of the Center for Military Political Problems, Alexey Podberezkin, is sure that "Armat", being a robotic car, is able to cause serious interest of customers.

T-14 can be exported with some restrictions on the use and change, it believes. For example, in African countries, instead of heating, the air conditioning is required, which means that the tank will have a slightly different export configuration.

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Armed, protected and very dangerous press service of the state corporation "Rostech"

Press service of the state corporation "Rostech"

According to the Deputy Director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, Konstantin Makienko, there are no competitors in the international market at the international market. "All" Leopards "and" Abrams "is the past generation. Russian "Armat" is unprecedented for today. This is the most advanced tank in the world in its segment, "he notes. Another question is that technological criteria do not always work on the market, often inferior to political. But in any case, from the point of view of technology, the T-14 is out of competition and the guaranteed sales income will bring, Makienko is sure.

From a desert tower - to a uninhabited tank

Created on the basis of a universal tracked platform, T-14 should be the main tank of the Russian army.

"When a new 152 mm cannon replaces the current 125-millimeter, T-14 will be able to fight any NATO tank, including the German" Leopard-2 ", without getting into the combat radius of their action. In this case, our tanks will hopelessly to give up Russian, "the British expert Nicholas Drammond has previously admitted in an interview with Stern magazine.

It is important to note that "Armat" became the first tank created specifically for the tasks of the so-called sectocentric wars. The success of combat operations in such collisions will depend on the quality of the transmitted information and the rate of its transfer. For this, the new Russian tank has all the possibilities. "Armat" warns not alone, but as part of a tactical group, which is constantly in the mode of information and combat interaction and is controlled through a single system. The group may include heavy BMP, SAU, T-90 tanks, impact helicopters, and T-14 is given to the role of the scout, the goalkeeper and the fire adjustment.

To solve this kind of tasks, the machine to failure is filled with modern digital systems. With their help, the crew in real time keeps track of the tactical situation, the condition and performance of the technique, manages the movement, conducts aiming and leads fire. Moreover, the open nature of the layout makes it possible to easily replace some devices by others, not rebuilding the entire system.

Developer plans - the creation of fully robotic tank units. Representatives of Uralvagonzavod reported that on request of the Ministry of Defense, research works are already underway to create robotic combat vehicles of the front edge. As part of these works, it was tested automatically and T-14. The appearance of unmanned vehicles of this class, which is expected in the coming years, can significantly change the tactics of the battleship, adopted today.

In addition, the exhibition in Abu Dhabi will show a universal armored engineering machine (kill). Customs is designed for engineering work in combat conditions and in the case of an opponent of weapons of mass lesion. New "Uralvagonzavoda" combined the capabilities of three engineering machines at once: armored repair and evacuation (BRAM), engineering machine of the separation (IMR) and armored clearance machine (BMR).

Visitors to the exhibition will also be able to get acquainted with the newest modification of T-90 T-90 MCs, upgraded T-72 and combat vehicle support (BMPT). In addition, the concern's exposure includes a heavy TOS-1A flame retardant system, a self-propelled Gaubitsa 2C19M1-155 in a caliber of 155 mm and various remotely controlled combat modules with machine-gun-wing armament of the caliber from 7.62 to 57 mm.

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