Construction of a bridge through the Tagil pond in the center of the scandal: who and how much earned on the supply of illegal soil

Construction of a bridge through the Tagil pond in the center of the scandal: who and how much earned on the supply of illegal soil 21641_1

Illegal career development for the construction of a bridge through the Tagil pond, if it is confirmed, can turn into a grand scandal. The fact is that the estimates take into account the supply of legal rock soil, while the use of roadside resources is in a penny. Moreover, no one figured out whether this primer is safe, whether it is suitable for building a strategic building for the city. Over the past six months, 100 million career money passed through the subcontractor MUP Tagildarstroy.

According to the coordinator of the United Russia project, "People's Control" of Dmitry Chutreva, he learned about this career by chance. A month later, residents of Slight Nikolo Pavlovskoye and Shilovka on a special service complained to dump trucks that constantly run on the roads of settlements. Chusrev proceeded for multi-detectors and found the starting point of their route - a quarry 5 kilometers from the road between the villages Shilovka and Novoasbest, they write "Evening Vedomosti".

Police rooms were caused to the place. The plot surveyed drivers, and if the dump trucks managed to unload right on the spot and left, the excavators arrested caused by OEBIPK employees. The activist promised to attract the prosecutor's office and the Ministry of Earth to the question.

Construction of a bridge through the Tagil pond in the center of the scandal: who and how much earned on the supply of illegal soil 21641_2
Construction of a bridge through the Tagil pond in the center of the scandal: who and how much earned on the supply of illegal soil 21641_3

According to the documents, this place is aimed as the accompanied rocks of the Anatol Deposit Amphibole Asbestos. The right to use this site in 2016 was issued by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Sverdlovsk Region of the company Spetstekh-NT LLC for a period of 2021. According to the license issued, the document suggests only the geological study of the subsoil site, including the searches and assessment of mineral deposits - does not go about how to develop speech. In turn, according to the activist, about 3 thousand tons of rock soil took out about 3 thousand tons of rock.

In Spetsthekh-NT, the publication of stated that they did not know anything about the development of a career and engaged in the provision of equipment for rent.

As the "evening statements" write to the career business can be relevant to the influential and known in the city of Person. According to the publication, the soil went to the MUP Tagildarstroy through the company of the former personal bodyguard of one of the leaders of the OPS "Fortuna" Andrei Shatov, who was shot in 2008 in Chernistokinsk.

Construction of a bridge through the Tagil pond in the center of the scandal: who and how much earned on the supply of illegal soil 21641_4
Construction of a bridge through the Tagil pond in the center of the scandal: who and how much earned on the supply of illegal soil 21641_5

We note the general contractor of the construction of the bridge is the Moscow company "Almakurgrup". It concluded a contract worth 4 billion rubles. MUP Tagildarstroy became a subcontractor, having received a job in the amount of 1 billion 180 million rubles.

In the fall of 2020, Tagildinstroy concluded a contract of a subcontract with Uralspetstrans LLC, the founder of which is Alexander Chilaninin, for the supply of 76.5 thousand cubic meters of rock for the construction of a cross. The cost amounted to almost 28 million rubles, that is, 1 cubic meters were estimated at 365 rubles. This delivery was supposed to be completed until the end of 2020.

However, since September 2020, Tagildinstroy MUP has concluded 60 small agreements related to the supply of rock soil for a total of more than 73 million rubles. Who exactly was among the contractors unknown: the municipal enterprise broke the purchase into a lot of small, which made it possible to not publish notifications where information about the purpose of acquisition, volumes and performer is contained.

All contract concluded can be divided into three groups: the acquisition of rock soil; transportation; Loading excavators. This confirms the information of the journalists of the Evening Vedomosti, that roles in this business are clearly distributed - some are responsible for the production, others for loading work, the third for the organization of transportation.

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