Chapter Samsung, founder Kenzo, Kobe Bryant, B. Yu. Alexandrov: Entrepreneurs who died in 2020


But continuing to inspire projects and actions even after death.

Clayton Kristensen - Business consultant and author of the theory of "subversive innovations"

In January, 67-year-old professor of the Harvard Business School and Investor Clayton Kristensen died.

In 1995, he proposed the theory of "subversive innovations." According to her, even startups can successfully compete with the giants of the industry, if they are aimed at abandoned and not the most effective market segments, and then go to others.

The theory took shape in the book "The Innovator dilemma", which the professor published in 1997. Intel Andrew Grove, Steve Jobs, Reed Hastings and Jeff Bezos used proposed principles.

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In 2007, Kristensen founded the non-profit organization Clayton Christensen Institute, which introduces and applies the ideas of "subversive innovation" in medicine, education, scientific research.

Kristensen also worked in Intel as a consultant and founded the Rose Park Venture Foundation, which invested in the "subversive" startups - Artemis Health, Leasepilot, Gusto.

A scientist fought for many years with leukemia and died due to complications.

Kobe Bryant - one of the most famous basketball players of modernity, which became no less successful entrepreneur

Two-time Olympic champion and five-time champion NBA Kobe Bryant died on January 26 - when helicopter crashes. In his account, several world records, Bryant occupies a fourth place in the history of the NBA in the list of the most efficient players. He was 41 years old.

Chapter Samsung, founder Kenzo, Kobe Bryant, B. Yu. Alexandrov: Entrepreneurs who died in 2020 21619_2

In 2016, the athlete completed his career and took up other projects. He founded a media company, a venture capital, training center, helped young athletes and received an Oscar for a short film about sports.

He was engaged in investments, because he dreamed of keeping after herself more than sports victories - and he managed.

Before becoming an investor, Bryant read books, looked at the TED speeches, understood at the presentations Y Combinator, consulted with the leaders of the largest companies: with Tim Cook and the former head of Nike Mark Parker.

Among Bryant's investments - Dell, Epic Games, Alibaba, the creators of Tile trackers, the production of children's Things The Honest Company Jessica Alba. In September, the Bryant Stibel Fund Assets were assessed by more than $ 2 billion.

Bryant also founded a media company Kobe Studios. It is engaged in the production of inspirational stories about sports. In terms of projects, Bryant was the author or producer.

He believed that sport was a "wonderful metaphor of life." In 2018, the athlete received Oscar for the cartoon "Dear Basketball", to which the script wrote.

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Among other success of Brian:

  • Training center for young athletes with whom NBA stars were engaged.
  • Career mentor and analytics.
  • Running the startup for the production of skin care products for athletes.

After leaving the sports "retirement", Bryant was looking for new goals and victories, he liked to do business, but it had to wait for the results much longer.

But impatience did not become a hindrance: Bryant wanted to engage in investments so that they become His inheritance - because of their significance for the world.

Yuri Zisser - founder of the Belarusian news site, one of the most popular publications in the country

Zisser died on May 17 after a long illness. He was 59 years old.

Before the launch of the media, he worked as a system programmer in the Research Institute of Oncology and Medical Radiology in Borovlyans, was engaged in science. In 1992, Zisser founded the Bank for Reliable Systems Banking.

The system for servicing the program "Program 35" was established in more than 100 banks of the CIS, among Savushkin's clients, BMW, Alpha Bank.

Yuri Zisser founded Tut.BY in 2000. After the educational trip to the United States, the entrepreneur wanted to create the Belarusian Yahoo and began with free email. He also helped other Belarusian IT projects, was engaged in mentoring and charity.

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According to Brand Analytics, in October 2019 held second place in Belarus in terms of cyting. On December 3, Mininform deprived the publication of the media status.

Kendzo Takada - the founder of the Kenzo brand, the first Japanese designer who received recognition in Paris

81-year-old Kendzo died on October 4 from Coronavirus. He became an innovator in the industry - combined in the design of clothes Eastern and Western motives, used bright fabrics and free cuts, not accepted in French fashion, and arranged whole shows from shots.

Chapter Samsung, founder Kenzo, Kobe Bryant, B. Yu. Alexandrov: Entrepreneurs who died in 2020 21619_5

Designer since childhood inspired Paris. Once there in 1965, he decided to stay until she succeeds for something and does not open a boutique. The first collection of the designer sewed from cheap fabrics for $ 200, working at the factory. Materials lacked, so the clothes were literally stacked.

They differed from strict outfits of French fashion designers: not strict and sexy, but simple and baggy - with elements of kimono, multilayer and bright. It liked the youth of that time. Subsequent collections were no less diverse and combined oriental and western styles.

No less catchy were shown: instead of strict defile, the designer preferred chaotic show - with dancing, musicians and celebrities. In the 1970s, Kendzo arranged shots in the circus - with riders in a transparent uniform. The fashion designer himself drove into the arena on an elephant.

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Kendzo believed that fashion should be available to everyone - and became one of the first fashion designers who made collections with budget brands and networks of "affordable" stores.

At different times, Kendzo was engaged in spirits, furniture design and interiors, launched his brand dishes and interior items. In 2020, he presented the brand of luxury things for the house.

Chapter Samsung Lee Gon Hee - under his leadership, the corporation became one of the world's largest in the world

On October 25, a 78-year-old entrepreneur died, who headed Samsung from 1987 to 2014. Thanks to him, the company focused on the quality of products, moved to digital technologies and was able to increase the revenue from 9.9 trillion Vaughn ($ 8.7 billion) in 1987 to 230.4 trillion ($ 195.6 billion) in 2019.

Chapter Samsung, founder Kenzo, Kobe Bryant, B. Yu. Alexandrov: Entrepreneurs who died in 2020 21619_7
  • Lee Gon Hee belongs to the idea to replace the import of components in its own production, and it paid off. Now Samsung is one of the leaders in memory production.
  • He was able to change the attitude towards Samsung, which was considered a cheap fake Japanese brands. The purpose of the company was the production of quality products, even by reducing sales and aggressive development in new directions. They were the production of smartphones and semiconductors.
  • Under whether Gon Hee developed more active: began to use Western practices and specialists, simplified the management of the divisions, introduced social programs for employees.
  • The entrepreneur made a bet on digital technologies: refused to produce ELT TVs and phones for the sake of LCD panels and smartphones. As a result, Samsung became the leader in the production of televisions and smartphones, overtaking Sony and Apple in their markets.
  • In 2005, Time called one of the 100 influential people in the world. In 2010, the chapter Samsung became the rich man of South Korea with a state of $ 20.7 billion.
  • In 2014, did the infarction and fell in whom, the leadership of the Conglomerate passed to his son Lee Zhe ENU.

Igor Koropov - Skillbox co-founder

The 31-year-old co-founder and program director of the Skillbox educational service Igor Koropov disappeared in Sochi on November 1, on November 6, his body was discovered in the Black Sea.

In 2020, the entrepreneur ranked first in the rating of the most promising Russians up to 30 years according to Forbes.

Chapter Samsung, founder Kenzo, Kobe Bryant, B. Yu. Alexandrov: Entrepreneurs who died in 2020 21619_8

Prior to the founding of Skillbox Koropov, together with Dmitry Krutov, opened the Marketing Agency Mokselle. Partners collided with a lack of qualified specialists.

They were expensive, so entrepreneurs decided to train frames from the inside. So a division appeared, where employees studied specialty on cases from partners of the agency.

In 2016, the division was allocated to Skillbox to a separate company, in the first year she was completely ruled by koropov. According to the former Koropov colleague on Skillbox, Andrei Anischenko, for the entrepreneur, the possibility of self-realization was the "sick theme": he did not receive higher education.

The project is one of the first to offer online learning for adults with integration into the industry and the possibility of employment. Promoted Skillbox through webinars, intensives and bloggers, produced more courses.

Koropov spent dozens of webinars and thought how to make an education more involuntary, Anischenko told Anischenko in a conversation with Forbes. In December 2019, Mail.Ru Group became the owner of 60.3% of the project shares, the amount of the transaction was 1.6 billion rubles.

Tony Shey - the founder of the Zappos store, which created a "happy" corporate culture

On November 28, the founder of Zappos Tony Shey died in a fire. He headed the company for 21 years from the moment of founding and retained the post of general director even after the sale of Amazon for $ 1.2 billion. He was 46 years old.

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Shay all my life dreamed of creating a successful business. He sat down the garage sales, published a newspaper, bred worms, sold icons. In 1997, launched the Linkexchange project by order of advertising banners for sites. The company sold Microsoft for $ 265 million. Shei founded the Venture Frogs Foundation, invested in the Zappos online shoe store and headed it.

The entrepreneur has set itself a goal - to prove that Zappos can be successful due to strong corporate culture and excellent service. In the first place, Shey raised the happiness of employees and customers.

In Zappos there are no posts and managers, everyone has the right to make a decision. All information about the company, which by law can be divided with employees, is open.

It helps to make more correct solutions, as everyone works with the same data and context. Employees are focused on work, not corporate intrigues.

In 2010, the entrepreneur wrote a book about the corporate principles of Zappos - "delivering happiness." First of all - to be open and think on the future.

At the heart of "long-term happiness", according to the neck, there are four components:

  1. Sensation of control: the development of employees and the acquisition of new skills will be encouraged, but they themselves have the right to choose the rhythm of their learning.
  2. Sensation of progress: There is a system of small regular advances.
  3. Affection: Attention to the continuous improvement of corporate culture.
  4. Be part of something more: cultivating the values ​​of the company.

For example, a newcomer after the first week is offered $ 2000 to get to the end of corporate trainings. Sheck assures: This is an effective way to check how seriously he is interested in work.

Boris Aleksandrov - President of "Rostagroexport" and the founder of the brand "B.Yu. Alexandrov "

The entrepreneur died on the night of November 30 aged 73 years. He was the only three-time winner of the "Entrepreneur" award.

In 1994, Alexandrov founded Rostagroexport, which became the leader in the production of glazed raw materials; In 2006, launched a line of premium products "B. Y. Alexandrov. " Before that, he worked as a doctor and engaged in trade.

Chapter Samsung, founder Kenzo, Kobe Bryant, B. Yu. Alexandrov: Entrepreneurs who died in 2020 21619_10

Alexandrov survived three fatal diseases. In 2013, he was found cancer lymph nodes. In the course of treatment, he moved to Latvia, where he took up the new project - the center for slimming Academy Vitality. Also launched the clinic in Moscow, which was engaged in the study of sexual dysfunction.

According to the entrepreneur, the main rules of the business are to look for the right people, listen to criticism and run. You need to study the market, see what is new, and then produce goods and constantly monitor the quality.

He adhered to the opinion that it was not necessary to do what I like - you need to go to get a decent product and the business began to like.

The main thing in the life of Alexandrov considered health - without it does not build a business.

Igor Sosin - the former OBI co-owner in Russia and the co-founder of the Network "Old Man Hottabych"

The serial entrepreneur died on December 23 in 53, the reason could become a heart attack.

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He founded a network of goods for the house "Old Man Hottabych" in 1994, together with partners, she was called the "pioneer of the DIY civilized market." In 2002, it was out of the project and was engaged in a network of goods for the repair of the German retailer OBI. In 2016 sold 49% in a joint venture. According to analysts, the amount of the transaction could be 10 billion rubles.

Also, Sosin developed a network of stationery MODI, clothing stores Modis and planned to bring the brand of non-alcoholic beverages to the Russian alcohol taste for ZEO.

Pierre Cardin - Founder Brand Pierre Cardin

The fashion designer and one of the largest owners of real estate in France died on December 29 at the age of 98.

Chapter Samsung, founder Kenzo, Kobe Bryant, B. Yu. Alexandrov: Entrepreneurs who died in 2020 21619_12

Cardin was born in Italy, but the family moved to France, when the boy was two years old. Before the foundation of a fashion house in 1950, he worked as an artist in the costumes in the cinema and theater, his mentor was Christian Dior. The brand of clothes launched at 28 years old and later expanded it with a perfume brand and furniture boutique.

He was the discoverer: formed factory streams, presented a collection of finished clothes Pret-A-port at the Printemps department store, making a deocratic and more affordable.

Cardin was inspired by the clothes of astronauts and the Gagarin flight - in the 60s he created a "space collection".

Chapter Samsung, founder Kenzo, Kobe Bryant, B. Yu. Alexandrov: Entrepreneurs who died in 2020 21619_13
That same space collection

The fashion designer more than 30 times visited the USSR and became one of the first Western designers whose clothing was allowed to the Soviet Union. He also sewed costumes for the Bolshoi Theater, the girlfriend of Carden, Maya Plisetskaya ballerina performed in them.

Cardenna has more than 500 patents for inventions, including colored stockings, flower printing ties, high boots, mini-sundresses. Manufacturers more than 900 times licensed his name for different products - from tights to baby strollers.

Among the ownership of Carden is one of the most famous restaurants in Paris Maxim's and the brand name. The fashion designer opened branches in other capitals.

He also belonged to him around the Elysees Palace, several private houses and business buildings, for which Karden was called "real estate tycoon", writes RBC.

# Entrepreneurs # results2020

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