Leonid Rogozov. The history of the Soviet surgeon, who operated on himself

Leonid Rogozov. The history of the Soviet surgeon, who operated on himself 21612_1

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Everyone spoke about the young surgeon in the 1960s. Leonid Rogozov committed, it would seem impossible. In the conditions of the polar wintering, the appendix has been handed over to himself. How did he succeed?

How did you get to the Antarctic?

Leonid grew up in a family, in which, besides him, three children were also raised. His father died at the front, so all the burdens on the shoulders of the mother. Having served in the army, Lenya entered the Leningrad Pediatric Medical Institute. After graduation, he fell into the residency of surgery.

Rogozov has always been an active guy who fond of weightlifting, football and skiing. He sought new discoveries and achievements. Therefore, Leonid went volunteer to the Antarctic expedition as soon as he heard about the team set. The 26-year-old guy took a doctor in the 6th Soviet Antarctic Expedition. In December 1960, Rogozov arrived on the "Ob" vessel in Antarctica. In addition to their direct responsibilities, the doctor had to fulfill the work of the driver, meteorologist and others. After 9 weeks, the expedition participants opened a new Arctic station, called Novolazarevskaya. On it, polar explorers spent their first wintering. She walked her as well as Leonid in one day did not feel unreasoning.

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Unexpected diagnosis

At first, the young doctor fell ill with a belly, then the temperature rose, a terrible weakness and nausea appeared. After some time, he began to torment sharp pains on the right side of the abdomen. Since Rogozov was a surgeon, he immediately set himself a diagnosis - an attack of appendicitis. He repeatedly had to hold operations to remove the appendix, so he understood that they were unreal from civilization away from civilization. In addition, Leonid was the only doctor among 13 polar shoes.

Rogozov tried to do without surgical intervention. For this, he practically refused food, prescribed her bed and began to drink antibiotics. Passive treatment tactics did not help him. The doctor got worse every day.

Evacuate Leonid from Novolazarevskaya station Aviation was impossible. In the street, such a blizzard was played out that, even to get out of the station, the members of the expedition were afraid. By sea, help could come not earlier than 36 days. There was no time for Rogozov. The operation should be made immediately, and help to wait nowhere. Choosing between life and death from Peritonitis, Leonid decided on a desperate step - to operate himself.

Without panic

Rogozov had to cut the abdominal cavity and pull out the intestines outside. Is it possible in principle, the surgeon did not know. From the members of the expedition, he found a couple of assistants. Helping Rogozov agreed Meteorologist Alexander Artemyev and Mechanic Zinovy ​​Teplinsky, who had to keep the mirror so that the fermented could better see the operated zone. It remains for small - get permission from the authorities in Moscow. For this, Leonid has developed a detailed operation plan.

When the resolution was obtained, the doctor began to prepare all the necessary tools for surgical intervention. Two Assistants Leonid explained what to do during surgery and how to be if he suddenly lost consciousness. The head of the polar expedition he asked to be on the pickup, if suddenly something would go wrong.

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Unusual operation

Before the operation, which was supposed to pass on April 30, 1961, the Rogozov did not sleep all night. It seemed to him that the task was impracticable, but he could not retreat. Sterching all the tools, Leonid last talked to the assistants and personally controlled so that they would wear rubber gloves for disinfected hands. The Surigue itself had to work without gloves, since the chest closed him the whole review and had to do all the way. The operation passed without anesthesia so that Rogozov could lead the process. Announcement of the abdominal cavity by the procurement of novocaine, the surgeon began to operate. He seemed to move into automatic mode of operation. The fact that the whole process was very hard for him was given out only the protruding drops of sweat on the forehead. Rogozov's Assistants later admitted that during the operation almost lost consciousness, but they tried to hold all his might.

At that moment, when Rogozov spoiled the ill-fated appendix, his hands became like rubber, and the heartbeat slowed down. He ordered himself to gather and cut out the process, from which he had already begun to be pushed. After that, the surgeon began to sew the cut.

The operation lasted about two hours, but fortunately, successfully ended. As soon as everything ended, Rogozov asked the assistants to fit into the room, and he himself took the sleeping pill and fell asleep. For recovery after surgery, Leonid took a couple of weeks. Because of the deterioration of weather conditions, he could not get to the hospital. The whole team had to be lined at the polar station for another year.


Returning to the Soviet Union, the surgeon became a hero, his name thundered to the whole world. Rogozova, many compared with Gagarin, which 18 days before a unique operation first of the people visited space. Leonid and Yuri were one year old and committed that no one did before them. Articles and books wrote about them, as well as filmed films.

For his feat, Leonid Rogozov received an Order of the Labor Red Banner. In the Arctic expeditions of participation, he no longer accepted. Rogozov worked in various medical institutions of Leningrad. For more than 10 years, he headed the surgical department in one of the city clinics. The legendary doctor died in 2000 from cancer.

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